Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hooray | | | | | | |
AndySails | | | | | | |
starboardsailor | | | | | | |
Cootharabean | | | | | | |
Richo | | | | | | |
Porkchop |
Alex Kirk |
jusav |
Seawitch |
Dart |
wongi |
Dino |
Brad |
Redbear |
Shillo |
Donno |
Ross |
justin mc |
Ian Watson |
Average | 34.41 | 33.07 | 16.15 | 20.38 | 28.61 | 64.38 |
Hooray (11618km):
4003 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU Anyone would think there was a cyclone at Burrum Heads.
Heaps of guys from all SEQ teams.
Naish SP95, TR4 5.9, Gasoil 26.
AndySails (33667km):
4003 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
Rocked up for the Ita Windfest, but rain nearly turned me away. As always, Ray's positive outlook encouraged me to rig up and give it a go - thanks again Ray. Beat my previous best 2 sec PB by nearly 2 knots on the same gear. Didn't bear away too much as the gear felt a bit big, gotta get a smaller sail. Totally stoked with the PB's! 

starboardsailor (32844km):
4003 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
JP Slalom 59 RSR 6.2 Casper 29
Great day at Burrum with plenty of visitors too.
Nice to get a naughty pb as i tried hard to get it.
Cootharabean (16087km):
4002 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU
Great sail at the lake with Greg, Anne and Peter. Much better than going to work
90L Turbo Boots 5.2 Ezzy Freewave
Richo (11509km):
4002 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
F2 XS Small, 5.8 Koncept, BP 25 Speed weed.
Got there late, relieved to see a bunch out when I arrived. Bank's changed a bit since last time.