Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Yves |
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paul van de perre |
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Anho |
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H-Attack |
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Benjamin Verdin |
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Tom De Pauw |
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Rakker |
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pat B84 |
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B52 | ||||||||||||||||||
Dennis De Pauw | ||||||||||||||||||
Tim Aerts | ||||||||||||||||||
C@rLo$ (RIP) | ||||||||||||||||||
Reginald Gyselinck | ||||||||||||||||||
Koco | ||||||||||||||||||
Jacques Pellen | ||||||||||||||||||
Surfdre | ||||||||||||||||||
jokke | ||||||||||||||||||
Tan | ||||||||||||||||||
Robin Blondeel | ||||||||||||||||||
RafJet | ||||||||||||||||||
patfly | ||||||||||||||||||
koco | ||||||||||||||||||
koco | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 38.61 | 36.24 | 21.75 | 25.07 | 29.68 | 175.33 | ||||||||||||
Yves (33602km): Oesterdam, ZL, NL cross 84 wave + saber 5.2 | ||||||||||||||||||
paul van de perre (20747km): | ||||||||||||||||||
Anho (11603km): After work session. Bit tired, so no special speeds, but such a nice session with only two guys on the water. Jaco crashed against something in the water and had to go to the doctor when I arrived. Nothing serious I hope. | ||||||||||||||||||
H-Attack (19719km): Bij aankomst regen en geen wind. Na de regenbui direct voor een kleiner zeil (7.0m) icm met een groter board (118 l) gekozen en wat rakken gezet aan de binnendammetjes. Maar deze vlagerige bedoening gaat nooit mijn cup of tea worden. In de vlagen was de JP 68 een pak te groot en moeilijk op het water te houden. Het board ingeruild voor de JP Allride 96 en de binnendammetjes ingeruild voor de buitendammetjes. Daar nog een leuke tijd gehad. Kreeg alleen de snelheid er niet uit, board was halve wind niet mooi los te krijgen en versnelde nauwelijks bij het ruim gooien. Na de sessie zag ik dat de downhaul 2cm minder was dan bij vertrek. Zou dat de oorzaak kunnen zijn? Toch maar snel een dyneema touw van 5mm gaan halen, want de 4mm slipt inderdaad door bij deze verlenger (thanks Benjy voor de tip). Al bij al weer een zeer toffe sessie met vele speedmates. | ||||||||||||||||||
Benjamin Verdin (16480km): ![]() Was a bit of a gamble Tuesday: The forecast was not solid at all and I had to work till this morning. Took my trailer to the airport anyway...and it paid off in the end !! :-) When I arrived most of the guys were there already.The only thing missing was the wind !! Rigged 2 set: 7.8 and 6.3. Wind was slowly picking up so started immediately with the 6.3. Everybody was sailing at ZM Inside, but I didn't want those gusty conditions which is mostly present at that spot. Went to the outside and sailed about an hour on my own: First run was already70 max, so it wasn't bad at all over there. Later on Paul joined me, therafter Dirk and in he late aternoon it became more and more crowdy. Square conditions, so not my cup of tea (normally I am limited to 67-68 runs)... So very happy with my 70 run !! Last 70+ run ended quite dramatic at The Brace a while ago. Now it didn't even felt fast, just too bad I couldn't repeat it later on. Last session at ZM is already from 2011 !! I really liked this spot in the past, and now I rediscovered why ;-) Very happy with my performance today: even faster today in medium winds then a few weeks ago in Herkingen with my 5.6 !! And if I can stay within 10% of Hansieboy, I know I performed well ;-) It was a close call as well with Stefan ;-) Was hoping for a better nautical, didn't expect those high alpha numbers at all !! AVG 5 @500 i still 48,5 :-) Everybody was doing their alpha's on the the side, but I think I just like some challenges ;-) Now my return track was a bit upwind. 50+ is definetely in reach !! Minimum speed during gybing was now 28.5. If I can lift that up till 30-32 it's in the pocket. My goal for this year ;-) 3 sessions in a row with a PR: Not bad at all if you know that I did only 1 session (average) per month in 2014... | ||||||||||||||||||
Tom De Pauw (20674km): ![]() For our teamchallenge, today I wanted to boost hour, distance and alpha. The results : 43,72 - 187 - 42,81 so i'm a happy (an tired) man. The Elix Medium board (115) did an amazing job. Â Including a topspeed of nearly 70 km/h, not bad for a 70 cm. wide board. Â Always under control, even in the strongest gusts. Later on I moved to the JP SpeedSlalom55 with the same 7.0m. What a lively board ! Very nice sailing but the wind became less so only the 5th run is with this combo. T. | ||||||||||||||||||
Rakker (18937km): Toffe surfdag ;-) ik was vroeg aanwezig voor km maar dat was verloren moeite, na de middag werd het pas de moeite. Gezellige dag met veel gelijkgestemde:-)) | ||||||||||||||||||
pat B84 (7100km): ![]() first time on the water with the mXr LM 54. Super board. Easy to sail. Super fin! Has a lot of potential! Only the rider needs the guts to use the potential of the machine |
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