Benjamin Verdin (16480km):
3885 days ago 1 categories  Quite a challenging session together with Anthony. Totally unexpected forecast: I planned to do a family surf today with the kids (10 kts), but this morning the windmills in our garden were turning fast so changed my plans. When arriving at the spot I saw already from the train track that the foam of the waves were clearly visible. That means a) there was at least some wind from the good direction and b) this will not be a flat speedspot today....
Anthony arrived almost simultaneouly and we both decided to give it a try on our slalom board. Never flew so fast over waves of sometimes 3ft tall. You couldn't do a singe run with your fin in the water all the time... Did most runs unhooked and crashed quite more then a few times while being airborne.
Found it hard sometimes to keep the 6.3 in control on the large slalom board. Never sailed that combo (always used 7 or 7.8 on that board), so that must be the cause. When derigging I saw that I missed one boom clip (!!) and the other one was almost completely broken. Just stopped in time .
We waited for better conditions but it became even worse. Best conditions were north of the water pump.
Didn't want to take too much risks so called it a day ard 2pm and hoping for better conditions wednesday and/or thuesday.
Still enjoyed this challenging session with only 2 speedsurfers...