Gav (2756km):
3804 days ago a quick session before lunch hopefully the wind stays up and i can get back out latter this arvo, 6.3 loft racing blade and my naish sp. Paradise Beach, NSW, AU
Feilian (14464km):
3803 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU huge day start work at 2am cut the shift short and arrived at primbee 1pm , rigged the 6.2 the wind was gusting from 20 to 30 knts , MT had 40+knts on the dial , byron a 38 and i'm ready to hit the water and the wind backed off , got ready to hit the water about an 1hr later and a huge rain squal came through with winds gusting to 40knts , the time got around to 5.30 and i still havent hit the water so decided to head home , as i was driveing over the windang bridge the wind was cranking 25+knts , it was really bothering me that Troll had 31+ on the dial and i hadnt sailed ,so i turned around and rigged the 5/8 , the sp80 with a 17 weedy by 6.30 had a great sail with Al bently and dam it i couldn't manage any great speeds because of the chop
i was also a bit annoyed that i missed the the best of the wind and my chance to mix it with the inverloch boys , looks like tuesday will be the day at sancstury point and hopefully 20 to 30 knts nn/e
Troll (2787km):
3803 days ago Primbee, NSW, AUFirst time at primbee bit of a different day wly and then thunderstorm with sqall and heavy rain,felt like i was going faster than 31.Good to meet some of the illawarra crowd MT was smokin as usual.