sboardcrazy (26271km):
3788 days ago 20-30kts+ WNW Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU- Yeehaaa!!!!!!!!! What a day..  
The planets finally lined up with strong wind at Peelie! Had to get home by 4 for a customer but buggered by 2 anyway..
Noone there when I arrived.. Got the 7.5m out but wind picking up so rigged the 6.6m Severne race with 115 Xcross + 20cm delta..Unreal flying through flat water.. some nice gybes. Picked up wildy but luckily close to launch so in and rigged 4.8m Hucker + 78ltre Tabou Pocket wave + 18cm freemove weedie.
Didn't bring my 68ltre as I didn't expect any wind.. Bugger could have gone even faster with it..After looking at the bearaway that gave me my previous Pb a year ago realised I needed to bear off WAY more..Did a couple of really long ones and stopped and looked at the GPS 33.04..Let out a few yeeehaas! people on the cycle way gave me a funny look ( ended up being a sailor so he knew what was going on ) and went out to up it.. Wind really came in and pretty dangerous at times but adrenaline up and didnt stack any although too windy to try and gybe.
I reckon with a slalom board and cammed 5m I should be able to do 35kts +
Frothie killing it + Byron ( be a few PB"s tonight!) Mick , Milsy , Wayne , Paul , Mat and others..I was pushing my luck and going in really close and went past a 6 x 4 piece of wood! (marked on google map below so be careful)

Norah graph reads ridiculously low at that angle..
