(Puf-) fin (15861km):
3707 days ago
l Peel Coodanup, WA, AU.
Took of from the eastend of fangys and headed to the westend in a breeze that started of a bit light but picked up nicely.
Starting to get the alphas into the 50m gate with only a few going outside had the old custom Slalom with a 5.3m Avi sail
and the 17cm supaweedy that was on the edge of leting go in the chop out in the deep end.
fangy (22898km):
3706 days ago Fangyland marathon with the Cap'n Calm, Fin, and later on Basil,Paul and Carl.
But first a question that i read yesterday that has been bugging me - if you choke a smurf, what colour do they turn?
Anyway I rigged small on the basis that the wind was going to increase later in the session and I am way too lazy to be bothered with changing sails. I should have paid attention to the little voice of doubt in my head, especially when Cap'n Calm agreed with my plan. That should have been enough to inspire me to rig bigger. But it wasnt. So in in exactly the same way that a pot of petunias doesnt fly, neither did I for the first hour or so of the session.
In fact, whilst the breeze did put in a bit of an appearance later, there was never enough to get my carcass fully lit.
I ended up with the 5.9 more baggy than grandmas undies. I had a Delta 17 stapled in place and it was complaining a bit about my rigging but I was still too lazy to change so I concentrated on gybing in the chop. I could not get a good powered up run and so the nauti was a result of my final sail home.
However the featherweights seemed pretty nicely powered up and Fin was happily pointing out the difference by flying past me as I was having a chat to the residents of Groveltown. But my slow traversing initially allowed me to check on all the hazard posts. Despite Wazzaneverasurveyor doing his best to confuse the simple minded sailor all the posts that matter seem to be present and accounted for.
I then spent the next few hours practicing missing realestate and wildlife and am happy to say came off the water with 100% success rate. At times I was almost comfortable with enough power but absolutely spitting chips that I did not do another 8 kms! (Unlike Cap'n Calm who seems to have judged it perfectly)
Blue skies, clear water, boardies and another Top Ten Fangy day 

Decrepit (55250km):
3706 days ago Too late now comments tomorrow.
Except to say, I had to check my distance with realspeed, to get a doppler result. Don't want Fangy saying I cheated by using trackpoints!
Have to agree Fangy, top ten day, I had an enjoyable experiment, tried the 5.8 koncept on the 43cm board, with 18cm 50deg weedy.
Normally I would have gone for the 48 in that windstrength, but wanted to see how sailable the little board is in non nuclear conditions. I was very pleased, didn't have any trouble getting going in shallow weedy areas, and light and efforless to sail once going, so now I'm more confident I'll get plenty of use from a 39cm board if I get around to making it.
Had a great time trying alphas on it, pleased with the result, as the exit is fairly critical, any mistake and it stalls and sinks. Joined Paul on the outer weed bank, which was close to perfect, most of the weed just under the surface, enough to give finger sized ripples with hardly any drag. But I was getting a bit tired by then, had a few crashes when I managed to gybe in a biggish gust, (gybing in lulls isn't a good idea on a little board.) You can see on my tracks the most SE gybes aren't in the weed bank, but the next lot in are, that's over 400m to the SW group of gybes that mark the other end of the bank, the bear offs are over 250m and give an OK 10s.

Tried a NM on the way back, but I must have picked the biggest lull all day, didn't get any wind until I was at the end of the run, in the chop and forced up wind by lack of water.