Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hardie | | | | | | |
Bully boy fat Basil | | | | | | |
WazzaYotty | | | | | | |
(Puf-) fin | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
fangy | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Elmo |
Firiebob |
man of |
Pepe47 |
evets |
SluGger |
ratz |
otts |
Oaf |
Shane121 |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 36.64 | 35.38 | 19.56 | 24.53 | 32.08 | 89.48 |
Hardie (35900km):
3358 days ago Just a sensational wsurf session, the flattest water, 2 km run after 2 km run of dead flat water, life feels really good again. Tabou Manta 54, TR-9 6.3m Delta Slalom 20/55, quite a few people buzzing from the day
Bully boy fat Basil (5050km):
3358 days ago Damn that felt good.Flat water and a good breeze.everything felt balanced . So how is it that I am so slow? If anyone spots obvious errors on my part please tell me.Still it was a great session.I tried to drop in on Wzza to humiliate him with my blistering take off and speed. That did not work out . It never does but I do keep trying.Well done wazzaturning on the alpha PB.
WazzaYotty (2200km):
3358 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
WaiHau X, Ezzy Lion 6.5, MUF Delta 21
John St has become so popular that I was stoked to find a shady parking auspicious beginning. The Capt'n, The Capt'ns First Mate, Basil, Fin, Mineral and G'Nutz were ready to go, Fangy appeared and later on Hards and Rod too. ( sorry I missed you Joe ). None of Dot's cake available. FirieBob was under instructions not to sail due to a sore hoof....he was looking decidedly twitchy at being landbound but I'm sure we'll see him on deck in the near future. We gave him strict instructions to watch out for dodgy individuals checking out the Mob's vehicular assortment as suspicious coves had been seen the day before. A shallow take-off zone was the first issue although the tide was making all afternoon. Great wind at first but it died back around 4.00pm. Some lovely smooth up the top end. Highlight for me was seeing Basil's gybing.....I need to check his DNA as his technique is ( loosely, very loosely) modelled on Fin's and The Capt'n's. Some brilliant planing exits....good stuff Bas.....I'm following astern trying to pick up tips. Fun afternoon for all. No sign of the local boys in blue following G'Nutz's call re aforementioned coves....specific cove appeared as we were derigging and was checking out a car belonging to 2 active wokkers. Fangy and Mineral investigated and I'm sure will have a full report for us!
(Puf-) fin (15898km):
3358 days ago 1 categories  CoodanupWa
Well that was a good fun arvo on the smooth an in the weed. So desided on the cutaway 47/40 and ka kon5.8 with delta 19
Everyone was flying around the place ,.... I gess thats about it from me.!!!
Decrepit (55392km):
3358 days ago 2 categories   Another fantsatic fangy day, tide low plenty of flat, and some real smooth close to Creery Island. I was tuned for alphas, with the 48cm board and 55deg 20cm fin with 5.8 koncept. So went for alphas in the smooth, speed across the wind was very good there, but coming out of gybes, the weed seemed to delay acceleration. Should of gybed a bit further out, but it's hard when you're still picking up speed. It's a bit counter intuitive to gybe before you've reached top speed, but weed drag seems to increase as you slow down, and decrease as you speed up.
Just checked alphas on gpsarpro, I have a 25.01 at 56m and three 24s at 40m. We really need markers!!!!!
fangy (22923km):
3358 days ago 1 categories  Fangys with a big mob of happy campers and that fella that just keeps turning up like a fart in an elevator-Mineral 
Dropped the 1993 Missy in the water with Koncept6.6 and Fangyprototype Delta18.
Fun times just mucking about trying a few different settings on the old girl. Post more later, but short version - Top Ten Fangy Day

So when I got to John St I was temporarily stricken. Hiding his wagon in the bushes as effectively as Alan Jones hides an opinion was the clustermunter bomb himself. Sure enough, within minutes of saying hello to the Mineral deposit, I found that indeed square pegs don't go in round holes. Luckily Fairybob was there to help point out that indeed most things in a Spielberg film are better looking than his wounded extremities and that this will not solve my problems with pegs and holes. A quick trip home, some angle grinder action and then back in business - for my mast base that is, no amount of angle grinder would have sorted Fairybob.
On the water it was lower tide than when Stroppoo shouts a round. I don't know if was just me, but the crabs seemed to gave taken some angry pills and as a result the trek out was not without incident. Happily, once I was out there, it was just one of those really pleasant days. I tried mucking around with the mast foot position and managed to get the old girl to sit a bit flatter.
Cap'n Calm and Hardlystopped where dialing it as usual, but Fin,Basil and Wazza had obviously raided the Cap'ns stash of fruit cake. I am guessing Wazzasleaze chatted up Dorothy when The Capn was distracted and managed to score a stash for themselves without the Cap'n realising. In any case all three of them threw off the shackles of mediocrity today and as a result picked up some PBs as well.
And not having to sort out the urine test because they all consumed masking agents( unspecified Wazzawino beverage) at beer o'clock just capped off a top ten Fangy day nicely.👍
Sammy the snail (29353km):
3357 days ago Boobays, left tit..
Great to have a session the PC boys, wished wld have been a better one!
Wind bit strong that yesterday, so changed plan, set the 5.4 and the 41... should have used the 47 insteed, was really choppy and slowing the runs too much.
First time on the 5.4 here, 2nd on it, sail felt great.. a keeper, also I tested frst time a custom vector assy 18,5 I made last year but never used, was great too.. very happy wiz the gear.
Better that not sailing, and great to share the moments with my mates 
Misty41, RSR5.4, Vector 18,5/assy