Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
hoppybogan | | | | | | |
Retired Bogan | | | | | | |
Sammy | | | | | | |
Jack Bogan | | | | | | |
Captain bogan | | | | | | |
Trousers | | | | | | |
Tricky Bogan |
PJ |
Sellicks Bogan |
mikewho |
Nobody here except us chickens |
1% Bogan |
Bushman Bogan |
Canadian Casey |
Peter Daish |
Kraken Bogan |
NeedSpeedStash |
Soto |
Andy Weatherill |
Average | 33.00 | 31.06 | 18.50 | 21.38 | 27.46 | 84.53 |
hoppybogan (26477km):
3219 days ago 1 categories  Stansbury, SA, AU It's been over a month since the wind gods have smiled upon us.
Hurried down to the local and used the FF102, GPS 5.8, Choco 28 weedy, was gusty 10-20knots Southerly. Found some good speed on the flats and came in to get the speed board. Missile with BP21 weedy,and tried to improve the speed. Got close but i think she needed some 25+. Changed back to the FF and cruised around till knackered. Was happy with the NM, the 5.8,FF,Choco28 really smokes along and if it wasn't for that chop at the end of the run 30 would be easy for the NM. Sailed on my Pat Malone today and hope some Boguns got out at the LeBog.
Retired Bogan (6747km):
3219 days ago First sail in a month or so, very up and down early afternoon filled in later but buggered by then.6m Severne NCX on Exercet 58. Gusts were good but couldn't get really powered up. Good crew about 15 guys out
Sammy (43276km):
3219 days ago Late light wind sesh big turnout at bog. Good to get out but nothing to wrrite home about. Still a bit of fun though. Cheers for the beer carl :-)
Jack Bogan (3870km):
3219 days ago Boggy Lake, SA, AU
Bit patchy at first. Just couldn't get comfortable with the harness line set up. By the time I had sorted it out the wind had come up but was knackerd, not having sailed for four weeks.
Captain bogan (50760km):
3219 days ago 2 categories   Light wind on fast kit. Late start with Sam as the wind looked good rigged 6.3. Used the wrong mast - put the rdm in instead of the sdm so the sail was flat and no power and the wind dropped as we hit the water. Felt good when going but the gusts were weak - 12 to 15 knots max. Great turnout all i want is a windy day...
Patrik 87 / 6.3m Gun sails GSR / Black project R325.
Trousers (14352km):
3219 days ago 1 categories  Le'Bog, SA, AU
Had footy tickets, so quick in and out today. At the foreshore about 1030, it was overcast and almost calm. PJ was rigging a 10m and it looked unlikey it'd even be enough - I was worried the day was a write off. Forty minutes later it had buit to a solid 17-20, and out we went.
6.2OD/97 isonic/35 s09. Sailed reasonably powered for about an hour and a half, with it moderating slightly in the middle. I'd probably been better with the 7.0 for that time and just hung on otherwise.
I'm chuffed I finally cracked a 20kt u-turn on isonic. I could do it easy on the Manta, but couldn't manage even one clean exit a session on the new ride. Realised y'day the cut-out tail needs a bit different handling in the banks.
Good turn out, great sailing for Autumn.