Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Dennis De Pauw |
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H-Attack |
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pat B84 |
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Anho | ||||||||||||||||||
Benjamin Verdin | ||||||||||||||||||
Tom De Pauw | ||||||||||||||||||
B52 | ||||||||||||||||||
Tim Aerts | ||||||||||||||||||
C@rLo$ (RIP) | ||||||||||||||||||
Reginald Gyselinck | ||||||||||||||||||
Koco | ||||||||||||||||||
Jacques Pellen | ||||||||||||||||||
Surfdre | ||||||||||||||||||
paul van de perre | ||||||||||||||||||
jokke | ||||||||||||||||||
Tan | ||||||||||||||||||
Robin Blondeel | ||||||||||||||||||
RafJet | ||||||||||||||||||
patfly | ||||||||||||||||||
koco | ||||||||||||||||||
koco | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 45.82 | 42.09 | 7.22 | 0.00 | 36.33 | 38.40 | ||||||||||||
Dennis De Pauw (23649km): ![]() Today was the day ! Arrived at the beach, with Dirk and Pat, around 9 pm. Rigged my smallest set and went for it. BAM! 79+ avg and peaked 3 times +87km/u !! I’m pretty proud off this result still aging 19 years old, using an 7 years old sail (with a third camber batten I broke during my first upwind run) and my 86,5kgs bodyweight (didn’t use any weight). I’m now 4th in the 2’' Belgian All time ranking and 5th on average (including Lüderitz). I also have a PR on the 500m and the nautical mile. Tried 2 miles and the second one was just 100m too short, but I had a 1,5km of 69,2km/u. I’m sure +71 km/u is possible. My gear worked perfect, the sail was always stable, the Sonntag is fast and gives a lot of confidence and the JP45 is just a rocket ;-) Congrats to everyone with a PR, and also everyone who sailed in these conditions. Water was flat but the gusts were pretty hard (measured 48 knts). I also want to thank my dad for supporting me the past 10 years in the best sport ever ;-)  | ||||||||||||||||||
H-Attack (19719km): Day 2: LF at its best: strong winds, bit broad and flat! Time for the long awaited first session with the Loft Speedblade 5.4, which could catch for me in extremis. Part 1:The gusts till 50 knots were too hard for me to sail in full control. After a few runs decided to wait a bit. Part 2 : with the same strong base wind (30-35 knts), but less harsh gusts (and also a better trim), the speeds went up. The SpeedBlade 5.4 is a sail that gives you the time to "install" and gives tons of confidence. Maybe I could have pushed a bit harder during slingshotting (do we grow old?), but full trottle flying along the coastline felt fantastic (with a 500m PB as a bonus). Time to refuel. Part 3: The wind had decreased noticeably, better speeds were no longer possible. But with such circumstances, it was a sin to stop to early. Congrats to everyone with PB's, especially to the youngster Dennis and the oldster Koen ( ik dacht al dat ik van je af was ;-) ) | ||||||||||||||||||
pat B84 (7100km): ![]() Dag 2 LF Snoeiharde wind en in de voormiddag zeer ruim. 40 tot 48 knopen. Twee maal geprobeerd maar dit waren geen omstandigheden voor mijn lichtgewicht! Een paar uur aan de kant van het spektakel genoten van de andere speedies en in de namiddag nog eens een poging ondernomen. Maar de psychologische rem zat er nog steeds flink op! Echt een sterk ondermaatse LF dag voor mij. |
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