Dezza (34097km):
3046 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
JP60, OD 6.2, keef weedie
today was going to be a Gerroa wave sailing day but when I got there the waves were big and wind light, a day for experts or a day to get smashed in the surf, so came home and switched gear over and headed to primbee. Arrived to see Jetlag getting back into his office attire after a lunchtime sess, and Terry out on his 5.8, so rigged the 6.2 and headed out. Havent sailed here in a NE before, it was quite interesting to go out, very strong in the middle and I was overpowered, then nothing on the other side to gybe in, but fun to give it a try. Then thunder and lightning started over the other side so decided to pack it in.
Ben Flood (3609km):
3046 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
Gaastra Nitro5 6.6 CA119, Keef's shiney new AHD, Admundson TR11'4"