Peter (48505km):
2600 days ago Duxbury Bay, north side. First cold session of the season - 7 C and cloudy. Wind was gusty at first and lower than the 22 knot averages that the meter showed - the wind has to cross a lot of land and reed islands in N, and does not reach the water, especially low-to-mid-tide. It got steadier towards the high tide, but also dropped. Warp 71, RB 7.0, WD 33.
Alsosnoff (12892km):
2600 days ago Avon, NC, US Having fun in OBX.
5 hours non stop session, N wind 20-30nk. Went for one hour, ended up with a distance. Tried to do 200km., but my battery died.
107L., 7m., 34cm. fin.