Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hardie | | | | | | |
Swindy | | | | | | |
fangy | | | | | | |
otts | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
(Puf-) fin | | | | | | |
SluGger | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Jonski | | | | | | |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
man of |
Pepe47 |
evets |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
Oaf |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 39.85 | 38.42 | 22.42 | 25.84 | 34.41 | 150.12 |
Hardie (35900km):
2615 days ago Fun sail at Fangy's, not quite the compressin of wind you get at Liptons, always wanted a bit more strength, but still a lotta fun. Mistral speed 95/55 TR16 6.3m (regret buying this sail) pepeweed 20/48
Swindy (10125km):
2615 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU Pat F Race 140,Kar7.1, FF24 Later Pat SL 92, Kar 6.3, FF20
Another good session at fangys, slightly different this week as the greenkeeper has lost the greens and we had to put up with a bit of chop. It was still great fun though and another great turn out from the team. Slugger must have given himself a payrise as ive never seen him work so hard, and a well deserved distance PB.
fangy (22898km):
2615 days ago 1 categories  Vintage Mistral Edge, Koncept 6.6, FF 18 (cutdown 20)cm
Cap’n Calm, Swindy, and Sludge all got jellybeans for eagerness and had knocked out a few hundred k’s before I even got down to S-bend. In order not to confuse Sludge I had left all the rainbow bunting at home . This seemed to work and he had assumed a car park of lesser status this time when parking the Mr Whippy Van. Mind you, real estate was in short supply by mid afternoon.
The tide had a lot of surge and most of the weed banks had been overwhelmed by varying degrees. But the upside of a big surge is the inside run becomes usable and I decided to get the little old Missy for some runs. I had some nice little squirts down the inside and then for comparisons sake dropped in the FF20(cutdown 24cm) The increase in lift was really noticeable and made life very easy going uphill. The penalty was downhill, where all that lift created way more drag than the FF18(20). For my weight I think the FF20 is best suited to <6.0 sails, but talking to the others it may just be a weight issue as they have had more success than me on the FF20 with bigger sails. Or maybe that 2cm makes a big difference…
The speed kings, Stretch, Sammy and Hards were showing how it was done in the less than ideal conditions and the rest of the mobbers were smashing out distance and some nice alpha’s with some PB’s to come I am sure! Great to sail with A-Grade sailors and see how its done. Good fun and great stuff fellas :-)
Top Ten Fangy Day yet again!
Coodanup, WA, AU
otts (5493km):
2615 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU
breeze came and dissapeared
Sammy the snail (29353km):
2615 days ago Fangyland, absolute ball I had   , wld have loved to keep going, just have to behave and stop on time, night shift got me a touch tired and need to save some for the next days 
Great fun with the gang wiz masters 40s Rob and Joe burning around like always and visit of Lunny and Pauly... plenty smily faces
Pitty the water was high otherwise wld have been some big numbers, few crack at NMs on both runs but was choppy or not enough wind, still great fun, i want some mooore! No enough to get the 47 out, feeling hitchy 
Iso85L, RSR5.8, 21/45

(Puf-) fin (15861km):
2615 days ago Coodanup WA AU
And another fun arvo at Fangys weedfarm, but most of the weed had disapierd under the high tyde, and the lumpines had
come to the surface. But that was fun allso, and some smooth was avalable if you looked for it.
Had the 45exp board the Ka kon5.8 and a 53rake 18cm weedy I had modifide and fitted a fillet to it,... it did
get some stringy weed under the fillet but that will be fixed,.... sooon!!!!
Oh, I think I managed an alfa PB too,... yipee,.
SluGger (14041km):
2615 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, Fangyland
Awesome days sailing with lots of crew . Big thanks Ross for the fin loan I owe you Doughnut 
Joe you make going fast look so easy and Mike awesome ks for the conditions.
Stoked with the alpha, not a 26 but Rog 
Happy days
Stretch (32270km):
2615 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU. CA Sl52 / HSM GPS6.0 / Vector WS23. Great sail after an early knock off from work. Was trying for a good nauty, but was really hard to maintain power for the whole run. Checked on GPS Results, looks like my bear away wasnt quite long enough.
Snuck up behind Slugger at one stage and helped him wash his gear whilst sailing. I had a big stack a while later, went down hard hitting my forearm on the boom, very painfull - Karma for my poor treatment of Slush I guess.
Big Tuesday 

Decrepit (55250km):
2615 days ago 1 categories  Didn't acheive any of my targets, but it was a whole lot of fun.
Currently I'm equal 2nd for this year in the legends division, to get 2nd out right I need either a 252km distance, a 26.2 alpha, a 26.5 hr, a 36.6 5x10, or a 41 2s.
So I was 100km short of distance, 1.5kts short on the 5x10 1.1kt short on the alpha, and we won't talk about the 2s or hour!
wind was light when I arrived mid morning so went for the 6.6, 53 and filleted 20cm@55d. Had a few noplaning runs early but wind started to [pick up nicely Wind picked up, after an hour or so, it was well powered and comfortable, by lunch time it was time to change down. My experiment with oval boom grip wasn't that succesfull, I made the inside radius to small, which isn't all that comfortable, so a change of boom was also welcome.
Went with the 5.8, 48 and filleted 19cm@55d. This worked well, and gave me my best alpha, but I noticed the sail was loose around the bottom batten, yep you guess it, broken batten.
That's when I decided to abort the distance mission and changed down to the 5.4, 43 and filleted 16.5@55d, and concentrated on 5x10s
The above is the watch data, I had the GT31 on my head in case I went all day and the watch ran out of battery, I also charged the watch during both my stops, I think that would have been enough to do the 250km but I would have finished after 8pm.
So here's the GT31 numbers.
2s 36.253, 5x10 35.123 , 1hr 18.589, @ 25.046, NM 27.420 dist 153.9
Elmo (32096km):
2615 days ago Tabou Manta 54, NP RSR E7 7.0m Pepe 21cm
Everyone ran with fear when I turned up and couldn't get of the water quick enough, so with the late start for the working component of the team Johnski and my self went out to play.
Thankfully Johnski was quite willing to tell me where to go as I had no idea rarely sailing this local.
Wasn't to bad tried a couple of bare aways but nothing over 34, eventualy saw John go way up high then disappear back to base, thinking he knew something I didn't and not wanting a hell of a walk of shame I set of for what would be a ripper Naughty run, a bit lumpy in a couple of spots in the middle but other tan that it was nice, unfortunately I didn't go far enough west so the start of the run was compromised, still happy with it though.
Sailed back went higher this time but a spin out into a dirty great big hole killed the run.
Nice way to cap of a work day.
Sailed fangies, can tick that of for another year.
Jonski (6717km):
2615 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU, Warp 7.0, Patrick 92, Kestral 22
Nice sail with Elmo late in the day.