Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Brenden Dunn | | | | | | |
Dezza | | | | | | |
AUS3111 | | | | | | |
NBR | | | | | | |
Tricky Dicky | | | | | | |
Feilian | | | | | | |
Mudskipper |
Bristol |
Ian Knight |
Samuel Brain |
Paul Dorsett |
SkindupTruk |
FormulaNova |
Jeff Maitland |
Jase |
KA360 |
AUS2001 |
Anna |
troll |
mick |
Pete |
Geezer |
Ben Flood |
Troll |
Rhys |
rick |
Brooksy |
Sam |
road runner |
Peter Berckelman |
Gav |
Kye |
nikipiki |
Andrew |
AUS-8 |
AUS-81 |
Peanut (Liam) |
COZA12 |
Matty Nix |
Geoff |
Geoffrey Two Dogs |
Average | 28.33 | 26.05 | 10.57 | 19.66 | 21.74 | 38.53 |
Brenden Dunn (7738km):
2666 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU Manta 61 / NOA 6.4 / BP38
Quick spin after work. Wind didn't come in as forecast and turned into a gusty NE all over the shop afternoon.
Nice to get wet after school.
Dezza (34097km):
2666 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
80/5.7/keef fillet 17
At the 1pm captains briefing the wind situation looked good so rigged the 5.7 and fitted keef's new fillet fin for a test ride, did a couple of runs across to other side, and surprising it held really well in the deep water and over chop. Wind was light and very underpowered on the 5.7 but decided to hang on for a bit and see if the wind came up. Got upwind and had a look at the canals but no wind at all there. At the 3.30 briefing Keef reported that the wind was coming but it would be late. Still it was a good turnout for a Wednesday and great to see Terry made it through the Nowra ring of steel. Thanks Keef for a test ride on the Fillet, hoping for another go with more wind and see what it does. That GO juice was pretty good too
the Fillet and Blossom

AUS3111 (472km):
2666 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU STARBOARD FLARE80/SEVERNE XS-1 3.6m wind was'nt as strong as predicted so did;nt end up going speed sailing with chief KEEF-but looking forward to that next windy day
NBR (16665km):
2666 days ago 1 categories  Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU Naish sp/Futura 6.5Ezzy Keef bns. Well it never really happened as forecast but still good to be out with a good crowd.
Tricky Dicky (3023km):
2666 days ago 2 categories   Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
Didn't really come in as forecast but in any event was a good fun sail session. Just zapping around and drag racing the Doc... such good fun! Thanks Mate!
Atom IQ 110,Sailworks Retro 6.5 and a home modified big fat weedie 
Good to see you Terry and sad to see you go back to Qld John. I'll miss seeing you out having fun mate.
Feilian (14464km):
2665 days ago 2 categories   Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU nothing exciting today as the wind didnt come in as expected , thanks to my test pilot Dezza for giving up a good sail on a bigger fin to put the 17cm delta through its paces in marginal conditions ,