Boombuster (66962km):
2598 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Started off early on the 7 and 110Lt did 100ks then came in for lunch then tried the 92 but soon got too much so went for the JP SP63 and the 6.2 Koncept. Weed was too think for the BP WS40s so borrowed a BP SP50 off Mark J thanks.
Shit load of PBs tonight stay tuned.

Drifter (26210km):
2598 days ago 2 categories   Lake George, SA, AU
Mistral 112 & 95 (55 wide), KARace 6.3 & Koncept 5.4, BP WS34(28 deep) & Tribal 25
The forecast was right for a change. We arrived at the lake to find Kato well into his distance workd record and the wind around 20kts. I rigged the 112 and 6.3 and headded out. I did 40km with this combo and maxed out at 36.5kts. Came in for a rest and rigged the 5.4 for the building wind. After 1 hour the wind had built sufficiently to use the 5.4 with the SP55. The wind was now 25 to 30 kts. This was my first sail on the 5.4. What a little powerhouse with such control. Finally cracked 40 and really pleased with the nauty. Lots of PBs out there today and lots of happy faces.