Peter (48505km):
2401 days ago East Bay, Osterville, Cape Cod. Nice to get one of the rare East days before there are too many boats on the water. With a little north in the wind, it was not a good day for alphas on the far side, where the wind was very up and down, but mostly down. Got lucky and caught a longer gust one time when the jibe was also halfway decent. On the plus side, the wind came through nicely on the other side, so I ended up with a spot and board PB (FF99, BPWS 38, RB6.3).
Tested the bluetooth GPS again today, with two GW-60s for comparison. I noticed on the water that one of the watches did not get one of my 31 knot runs. Looking at the tracks at home, I saw that there is one segment of 50 seconds without any data, and more missing data for a few more minutes after that. That includes two runs were the other watch worked just fine. The bluetooth GPS (with a ublox 8) worked flawlessly, tracking 17-19 satellites during the top speed runs, vs. just 8 for the GW-60.
Alsosnoff (12892km):
2400 days ago Lacey Township, NJ, US NEN wind, Feels 24-30 knots. iSonic 90L., RB 7m., Tribal weed fin 27cm.
Lounch from Laurel blvd, Lanoka Harbor. Good spot for freestyle, terrible for slalom gear. I was overpowered in the middle of the bay, and should switch to 6m., but I didn't have it. Goodbuy Laurel Blvd spot, I am not going to go there again.