sboardcrazy (25861km):
2377 days ago 15-24kts W then 25-30 odd Peel st Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU - level .28
5.7OD - 80ltre iso - 18cm FF
70ltre Patrick 18cm FF - 5mOD
I had to put my horse down on Sunday so all I wanted from today was to have fun. 
I've missed tha last 2 winters at Budgy due to injury. Finally I scored a decent W!
I was unenthused while rigging but I hit the water and got a gust and yeehaas! all around..A lot of yeehaas today.. Enjoyed some nice fast sweeping gybes ( too wide for alphas ) and some brown pants bearaways dodging and through the weed bergs..
I tried for a nm first run but had to come up a bit at the end to dodge weedbergs..KA chose a nm with a gybe in it..
It started to come in and it was getting to get a bit over the top for the 5.7m , I was getting tired so in for lunch. 33.4 ( GPS) on this combo.
I wasted the next 1.30hr..I 'lost' my car keys and spent 15min looking to find them in my raincoat pocket . Started to rig the 5m with the 50ltre iso but I wasn't very enthused as I knew the 5m would be way too big and the iso a bit hard work in the lulls and shallows..
Maree offered me her 4.6m and 70ltre combo which she said was very powered up and I felt more enthused about that..Put the FF in the 70ltre then realised I'd need my boom so changed booms only to find my SDM wouldn't be any good on her RDM mast.. Went back to rerig the boom on the 5m and fin in the 50ltre.. then decided to use the 5m on the 70ltre so fin out and back in the 70ltre.. By now I was buggered and over it all..
Maree pointed out it was probably the only chance I'd get to try the 70ltre so out I went..I've been thinking of getting a 70ltre for a while as the 80ltre gets blown about over 25kts ( wind gets under) and the 50ltre is great at LG but harder work in the shallower , patchier Budgy conditions..
1st thing I noticed was " cripes this thing sinks!" Dur.. it is a 70ltre.. Ok..that was filed and I got going.. Wow! It feels really fast. It was a bit of brown pants sailing as the 5m was extremely powered and I was worried a gust would hit and I'd splatter and wreck Maree's lovely board..Also dodging weedbergs on the bearaway was interesting..
I had 2 bearaway3 and 33.9 on the first..Coming back I got in a dead patch near the shore in shallow water so I just walked back in as by now I was just too buggered to be bothered..
I would have liked a more relaxed intro to see how I went gybing but I was too overpowered to think about gybing.
It was interesting earlier as I lined up the 18cm FF next to some tribal deltas and the area of the 18cm FF is about = to a 14cm tribal..
A great day and plenty out having a ball. Mick B , Rus , Milsy , Rod , Pete , Mick , Mat , Maree and Mark , Rick ( who I almost gybed onto - sorry) , Steve , Lyd's, Byron , Jeff, Andrew and probably some others..
