Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
JJ | | | | | | |
Pacey | | | | | | |
Windtech | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Pointman | | | | | | |
Gustenzo | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Flatchat | | | | | | |
Snake | | | | | | |
Windxtasy | | | | | | |
Kenny | | | | | | |
Lunny | | | | | | |
Snickers | | | | | | |
Chris Porter |
Jeff |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Jemma |
ComeWhatMay |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Ricey |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
tailwind |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Gloria |
Reg |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
The Shroom |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 35.47 | 33.03 | 21.59 | 24.30 | 31.02 | 85.12 |
JJ (25827km):
2323 days ago Coogee WA
Thought we'd try somewhere different - underpowered in the 18-22 knots and the big short chop washed off any speed - but super-fun riding the new 57.
WindTech 57 (92L) Simmer Race 5.8 CL Weedy 28

Pacey (704km):
2323 days ago Liptons - patchy but good in the gusts. Windtech 57, WS29, Koncept 7.0.
First proper sail at Liptons. Fin was too deep and upright for the shallow areas and thick weed but had a blast anyway. New board was deluxe, fast and controllable, a real pleasure to sail.
Windtech (5307km):
2323 days ago 2 categories   Munster, WA, AU
Something different today. Upwind from Coogee SLSC to Woodmans, had a few runs but too shallow and kiters to get in close plus wind hadn't kicked yet.
Then an attempt or two of a Nautical mile but HUGE chop and weed clumps (pointer fin) made it very tricky so I backed off for self preservation and will leave it for another day.
But a great spot to sail for a change , beautiful area.
WindTech 57 , Ka 6.3 , 28 fin
Woody-Mark (16200km):
2322 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Short, fun session with some Pinnas and Melville locals. Some nice gusts across the bar. Manta 61 Vapour 6.4 wp 27
Pointman (27215km):
2322 days ago 2 categories   Pelican Point, WA, AU
Alpha PB Woooohoooo!!!
I've been waiting so long to crack a 25 Alpha, no way I thought today was the day.
Fantastic sesh at Peli fully lit on the M112 + 7.6 TR9 + 33 CL SL2 combo.
Set up felt awesome, mega-powered up, but still controllable.
I went for two miles, the other one was a 30.97K, but I knew the second one was quicker cos it included a 35K 10-sec.
I was doing alphas on the point, in as close as I could get without running aground, but it was still pretty chopped up from the kites, so that 25 is especially sweet 
What a sesh. Probably my best allround river sesh ever, and so much fun.   

Gustenzo (2220km):
2322 days ago Fun little blast with some unstable wind.
96 Supercross 6.5 Gator 32 Tabou Pelican Point, WA, AU
Boz (46967km):
2322 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Fun sesh at Melville, bit gusty but okay for a few runs out the back, good to see Anita, Mark and Tim enjoying the day.
Manta 61 Koyote 5.9
Flatchat (9962km):
2322 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Another gusty frontal type breeze. Can't say it was a top ten day but always good to get a sail in.
FF98, Evo9 7.0, Wsp29
Snake (23888km):
2322 days ago  Peli Pt after work session. Wooohoooo what a great sesh! Brought the 90 out of retirement for a crack at the hour, and plugged in the 7.1, despite thinking 6.3 would probably be the better choice for anything other than an hour. Well, I was liiiiiiiiittttt and then some, absolute survival mode. Every gybe was just shattered and hoping to just grab the boom and not get thrown over the front. By some stroke of luck I didn't come off and by the end of it was totally spent, but made the hour, so mission accomplished for the day!
Came in for a breather and saw Greg, who said he'd smoked a 35.x 10 during a mile run, so thought I should try to back that up despite having jelly for legs and arms. Oh well, on with the weight vest and back out there. Had one back from Majestic, but the fast ferry came just as I set off, so hit so big chop in the middle for a 30.05. Had a 5 minute rest before a single mile run the other way, back down towards the freeway for the 30.4. Waaaay tooo exhausted to make it count, had to come off the power in the gust and was just sailing poo stance pretty much. Happy to crack 30NMs twice on the 7.1 - pretty sure I've not done that before on the river. Normally, I'd be on much, much smaller gear in that wind. Stoked!
Great to have a yarn to Greg, Other Greg and Mike, who I haven't seen in a long while! 
Iso 90, KAR 7.1, T43 34cm
Windxtasy (14541km):
2322 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU M91, 5.4K, 24 FF
Comfy wind at first, then too much wind, then too little wind and not enough water either. After 4 crashes in the shallows recently my confidence has deserted me. Most of the time I was too scared to gybe today. I think I need to go back to a nice 15 knots on the big board to get comfy with gybing again. The tacks were working though, so that is one thing.
Anyway it was good for fitness and it was good to catch up with some of the Pinnaroo crew - Tim, Boz, Woody and Ben
Kenny (16394km):
2322 days ago Carlisle St, Safety Bay, WA, AU
First time back at Carlilse st in a year. Started off marginal 18-22 knots then finished off 21-26. A bit of swell over the bnaks made flat water hard to come by. Glad I could go for an hour and feel much more comfortable than last time. Lot of fun crossing Warnbro with Lunny. Cheers for letting me try out the fin.
6.2 reflex, 91 mistral, 27 lunny C3 weedy
Lunny (42007km):
2322 days ago Carlisle St, Safety Bay, WA, AU
Finally got to have a try of Neil's Windtech Silver Bullet 57 in the Safety Bay Choppier than normal chop.
Very interesting how the feel of the board changes with the Active Trim system adjusted.
I tried it at full flex and no flex to really feel what this system does.
It certainly is noticeable at full flex how it makes chop more comfortable (clear from the distance i used this mostly today)
With no flex the board is noticeably quicker particularly on gybe exits.
The slightly longer board length suits me in being far less intimidating in the rough stuff too.
Nice work Neil. You might have to hunt me down to get it back though, i want to see how fast this thing can go!
Great to see Swindy and Kenny who was smashing it out there today.
Great arvo on the wet stuff!
Windtech 57 90l, Reflex8 7.0, Tribal ws 29
Snickers (15008km):
2322 days ago 1 categories  Melville Beach, WA, AU
Good to get out on the smaller gear although I probably didn't pick the set up very well for an hour given how gusty it was. Satrted with isonic 86 with a 35cm weedy, poor choice for the hour, and part way though I decided to chase the gusts at pt Walter. After an hour i came in to switch to the 105L F2SX and ended up chatting with Anita, Boz and Woody. Got back out on the bigger board, too lazy to switch the fin that was in the board, and conditions were great but i was over finned. Adjusting the mast track wasn't enough so I came back in again to change down a fin size, went out and scored my best speed after most others had gone home. Good to see how the 105L went with the 7M, could become good friends with teh right fin.
Great to see a lot out enjoying the conditions and good to cathc up with Woody, Anita, Tim, and Boz on the shore.
Reflex7M, isonic86, 35cmweedy, F2SX105L, C3venom 38, goldwing 35