Pugs (10835km):
2258 days ago 2 categories   Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
AB54/6.3/16 Greg and Sue also sailing today. Surprise southerly. Matty came out on his speed board as it picked up, and just as I was going in.
This season the forecasters have predicted strong Noreasters, and they have been duds. They then predict light southerlies, and they blow hard. Maybe they should buy a copy of 'Weather Forecasting for Dummies'.
Matt D (32267km):
2258 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Quick session after work! Looked like a nice 20 knots while rigging but was more like 30 knots at the end and I was way over cooked!
Sue and Pugs heading in when I came out and Greg stayed out for a while and then it was just me.
Not much flat water to be found 
CA SP50, Simmer 7m and 17cm delta.

Maui Paul (5918km):
2258 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Short and not sweet... hmmm, Bruce, Wally, and I only, overpowered, bumpy and not much fun at all. 7.8/121/34
Bring on more foiling, it has taken over my life haha 