Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Old Salt | | | | | | |
The Deputy | | | | | | |
BSN101 | | | | | | |
Jol | | | | | | |
Streetbob | | | | | | |
Laurent MRU | | | | | | |
nebbian |
Zuls |
Adam |
JR |
NZL12 |
Conductor |
Menace |
CQuin |
Quinny |
Tom |
Average | 30.45 | 27.95 | 17.01 | 18.86 | 22.79 | 49.01 |
Old Salt (14627km):
2249 days ago Start of the day was a bit light, but great fun with Chris, the best I have seen him sail to be honest, so relaxed.
Then after lunch I came back in and rerigged to a 6.5 NCX and had a blast with the new member of our team "Deputy Dawg" and good old Dave.
Welcome Deputy.
Ultrasonic, Drake 50, NCX7.0 then Isonic 107, Tribal Slalom 36, NCX 6.5
West Busselton, WA, AU
The Deputy (3123km):
2249 days ago New gear (2nd Hand) Starboard Carve 111 Pryde Sail Fusion 7.2 very fast for me.
West Busselton, WA, AU
BSN101 (14935km):
2249 days ago JPSS125 CLSL2 38 NP RSX Convert 7.0
Great sesh out with Drew and then Steve.
On the CLSL2 for the second time and this is the Dux Nutz!! Gonnal find some more of these.
Sail & bpard were spot on and in the heavier gusts we just went harder. Thought that a 30kn might have appeared but ive been thinking about my runs and i have to satrt going for more bare aways. My speeds are generally across the wind which isnt optimal. Something to work on. Overall happy with the session and the conditions were trying. Better stil having 3 OMK team mates on the water here at home. Well done fellas
West Busselton, WA, AU
Jol (990km):
2249 days ago 2 categories   Carlisle St, Safety Bay, WA, AU
5.5 Severne Mach1, Isonic 87, Leading edge 28
Streetbob (703km):
2249 days ago West Busselton, WA, AU awsome day out there with Old Salt for a while cranking up a bit of speed on the US with the 7.2 Gaastra, had to wrap it up early but the other team members did us proud, welcon Deputy Dawge to the team and some realy great numbers there mate. Coming very close to Capitano for distance.
Laurent MRU (32km):
2222 days ago 1 categories  Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU
Posting a month later. Was super windy, was over powered with a 7.0 on starboard carve 111. Happy with the PBs. Which I could keep going for longer but was too strong.
