Pete (17177km):
2139 days ago 2 categories Lyttelton Harbour, NZ ..Tabou 108, Overdive 6.2, fin Black Project 40, ..followed by Exocet RS1(80), Overdrive 6.2, fin Select 34/35 ..that 69 wide Tabou was a bit hard on the old legs in the waves. Very nearly came a big cropper on it when an odd direction rogue wave suddenly rose up immediately in front and completely closed me out. In a second I was rearing up like I was on Trigger with a big awkward twisting fall in prospect - feeling very compromised by excessive board width - ankle damage seemed imminent, very luckily I got it back together. ..Wish I'd gone out on my Exocet earlier was definitely nicer in the rough stuff. ..Nevertheless a nice afternoon and overall I had a very enjoyable sail.
Dan (49196km):
2139 days ago 2 categories Lyttelton Harbour, Nice and bumpy on the harbour till the tide started coming in again. Lost 2knots to the software. Big difference to what was reading. Glad i didnt go foiling. FF 79, R7 6.2, C3 34