Stephen (4800km):
1944 days ago 1 categories  Windy early morning session, too windy for most of it First strong (35knots) N to NNE (instead of NW) we have had for a while and was great to test out the Ackerson Street channel (Nelson, NZ) on Starboard Tack. Due to the wind I didn't use all of the channel, instead just the bottom section with a slight slingshot into the rough at the end. This allowed me to complete more shorter runs...and mainly in the lulls. Got a PB today, but really need a smaller sail and/or increase my weight (I'm only 70kgs!) to hold down a sail in that kind of wind (44knot gusts!)
KA Koncept 5.4m, W49, Venom 24.

Pete (18196km):
1944 days ago Christchurch Estuary, ..A comedy of errors for me today, had the right board in my car and took it out and put the wrong board in. Downhauled my sail too much and then wasted several minutes removing my downhaul rope from my boom - was very soon sorry about that when I found myself bacalmed in the doldrums between the NE and the NW. Still I did get a couple of very short planing rides in the end and just as the tide was almost gone.
Exocet RS1(80litres), Overdrive 6.2, fin Select 35/34
Great speed's Stephen!