Boombuster (66388km):
1848 days ago 2 categories Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Perfect direction up and down the bank sailing a bubble wrap.
On my own could not believe no one showed until towards the end joined by Des and later Kev.
Nice cool chrissy beer with Chris L afterwards.
JP132 Koncept8.5 Caveman50 heaps of grief from weed but.
Mr Keen (33863km):
1848 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Skunked myself today!! Launched at Lota thinking the wind would turn more north, it didn"t so then planned to sail up to Wello but wind was too patchy for gear selection...
AB+59, KA race 7.1, T34
Drifter (25549km):
1848 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Mistral 112, Warp 7.0, Lockwood 36
Not your typical session. Jayson, Tristan and I rigged at Lota, hoping to take advantage of the good tide, however there was way too much east in the wind. Jayson and I pinched and walked out of the estuary. I joined the SEQ guys in front of RQ. The wind was good and the water was lumpy, so I worked to windward to get to Wello and some smooth water. This involved some long runs from Rose Bay to Thornside. I made good time but when I eventually got to Wello the wind dropped out. I then slogged and drifted back to Lota. By the time I was approaching the ouside lead, the wind picked up and swung to the northe. I got a few runs in the creek before the wind finally dropped out. This was not a top ten session.