One Eyed Cantabrians (Sth Is, New Zealand) - 2019-12-19
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
31.338 [PB](D)
Mike Sinclair
Allan Taylor
Terry A
Ned Tamatea
Shane Blake
Sean Patterson
Ben Collins
Terry Beentjes
Fred de Haas
Steven Mc
Derek R
Dan M
Tom O'Neill
John Ross
Fenella Bowater
Allan Taylor
Windsurfing Nelson
The Shop Grom
Aaron White
Stephen (4800km):
1928 days ago
1 categories

Magic session NW 30knots, Nelson Haven - mid tide,  but it was not without a few problems! 

I was alone today :-(  and went out 7:30pm.....not the best for saftey reasons. 

I rigged behind the car (great) but had to carry my gear down the bank to the water...hmm this took ALL my strength (arms and legs) and once on the board my calfs  had terrrible cramp and I had to jump off a few times. The plan was to grab some great alphas but did not want to risk more cramping. The tide was approx 2.0m and the Ackerstern channel was too broad/choppy for great speeds. Instead I used the bolderbank and found I could sail all the way up it to the trees! (this is very rare). It did help that I was on the slalom board with a powered up 5.4 Koncept and grunty tribal 27 fin. Then I got to sail all the way down it!

It was also fun bearing off from the bank on the slalom board and not worrying about the chop as I do on the W49. I will try the W49 for a great NM next time this NW works even if I might have to gybe a few times to get up the bank. 


Windsurfing Nelson

Sth Is
New Zealand
1927 days ago

Good an you and a great story! 31 on a nm is extremely hard to match! Congratulations! Even though I wouldn't have like to go out in that late I regret not having come out for a video. Shame we didn't manage the same time, it would have scored for the team...

Maree Jordan

1927 days ago
Incredible nm only 2kn difference from 2s congrats

Sth Is
New Zealand
1927 days ago

Thanks Maree and Windsurf Nelson.  It was only two years ago I was pushing really hard and could just make 30knts over 2Sec!. Every time you go out and try something or push your self you learn things that really do add up over time. That 2sec speed was the fastest ever I've had for the IS87 as I have been going for speed on the W49 in recent times, I would like to spend more time on this setup as I have some flat water tuning ideas that I couldn't try yesterday due to cramping.

A golden nugget for me is that in that wind, the spot will work in any tide (as the channel is deep!) as long as I can sort out a launching spot (or use a different technique) when Ackersten sand bank is not showing. It is worth noting the wind was stronger the further north you went.  NM run was about 2.5km long with the top speed being at the start of that run and not down by the light house. I do believe the NW wind angle of the session was rare, but will take more notice of this in the future when its windt from the NW. 


Maree Jordan

1927 days ago
Magnesium is very good for cramps take 20 min before sailing and helps a lot. I can not sail with out taking it first

Sth Is
New Zealand
1926 days ago

Thanks Maree, my wife said the same thing about magnesium! Its certainly worth a try, its not normally an issue, and I'm blaming the launch spot this time. 

Its a little path (40cm wide?) on a bank with lots of big rocks each side . The wind excelerates up the bank and even though the bank its probably 20m long it took me minutes to get down carrying my sail + board as I could only more forward on the path in the lulls and try with all my strength to hold my ground in the gusts and not let my gear get damage by the rocks. It really must have looked really funny for the non-windsurfers watching me Embarassed

I will pop some pills if I launch like that again!

Mike Sinclair

Sth Is
New Zealand
1926 days ago

Nice session and nice Nautical mile.

That's the fastest Nm in the South Island so far.

Previous was Ned Tamatea at Lake Aviemore with 31.25kts in 2007

Fastest in NZ is 36.14kts to Chris Torckler at the Linfield Speed run in Manukau Harbour 2005.

Dan M

Sth Is
New Zealand
1926 days ago

Well done Stephen! Great NM that is smoking fast!