Stephen (4800km):
1928 days ago 1 categories  Magic session NW 30knots, Nelson Haven - mid tide, but it was not without a few problems!
I was alone today :-( and went out 7:30pm.....not the best for saftey reasons.
I rigged behind the car (great) but had to carry my gear down the bank to the water...hmm this took ALL my strength (arms and legs) and once on the board my calfs had terrrible cramp and I had to jump off a few times. The plan was to grab some great alphas but did not want to risk more cramping. The tide was approx 2.0m and the Ackerstern channel was too broad/choppy for great speeds. Instead I used the bolderbank and found I could sail all the way up it to the trees! (this is very rare). It did help that I was on the slalom board with a powered up 5.4 Koncept and grunty tribal 27 fin. Then I got to sail all the way down it!
It was also fun bearing off from the bank on the slalom board and not worrying about the chop as I do on the W49. I will try the W49 for a great NM next time this NW works even if I might have to gybe a few times to get up the bank.