Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Robin Blondeel |
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H-Attack |
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Dennis De Pauw |
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patfly |
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Anho | ||||||||||||||||||
Benjamin Verdin | ||||||||||||||||||
pat B84 | ||||||||||||||||||
Tom De Pauw | ||||||||||||||||||
B52 | ||||||||||||||||||
Tim Aerts | ||||||||||||||||||
C@rLo$ (RIP) | ||||||||||||||||||
Reginald Gyselinck | ||||||||||||||||||
Koco | ||||||||||||||||||
Jacques Pellen | ||||||||||||||||||
Surfdre | ||||||||||||||||||
paul van de perre | ||||||||||||||||||
jokke | ||||||||||||||||||
Tan | ||||||||||||||||||
RafJet | ||||||||||||||||||
koco | ||||||||||||||||||
koco | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 39.37 | 37.47 | 22.33 | 26.85 | 30.20 | 79.98 | ||||||||||||
Robin Blondeel (16228km): Went to check Le Rouet but it was way to broad so went fun sailing in gruissan with a nice dinner afterwards with my girlfriend! | ||||||||||||||||||
H-Attack (19719km): Zalige zomeravondsessie, met een ietwat vlagerig windje, meestal net niet hard genoeg voor gepowerde runs met mijn set. Maar was misschien beter zo, nek was nog wat aan het nazinderen van het crashke van maandag. Totaaldagje met na de sessie nog wat spijs en drank in de Bolbaken met mijn vrouwtje en Pat. (die was trouwens niet bij te houden opt water. Knappe cijfers Pat!) | ||||||||||||||||||
Dennis De Pauw (23649km): ![]() Afterwork session. When I arrived Vinnie came to me with an alpha of 55km/u. So I had only one job today, take my record back. Was super nice to push together, doing over 20 super fast alpha's. But I didn't really had the power in my arms today and the half-winds speeds just weren't high enough (compared to monday). When the wind increased and I started doing some faster ones I pushed too much. All the fast ones (54's and 1 55,33 km/u) were too wide... I did 5 over 54, but ofcourse I can't really call them alpha's. But learned again a thing or two today ;-) Well done amigo, but I will be back. Ps: I didn't really do good runs, but Vincent did some insane speeds for the wind strenght and angle. | ||||||||||||||||||
patfly (5460km): leuke avond sessie , trim zat goed . |
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