Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
gonzalo | | | | | | |
Peter | | | | | | |
Max | | | | | | |
Kipps | | | | | | |
Alsosnoff | | | | | | |
Chris | | | | | | |
Nina |
Bill |
Flad The Inhaler |
Dani Sfeir |
Sabah Daaboul |
Cesar SpeedSeeker |
Bart Kornas |
Dean Withrow |
Boro |
Nikita |
denisspb |
Speedy |
Martin Schauer |
Pollock |
CdnGuy |
Jon Shell |
o-livier |
Drew |
LarryD |
Mike |
TBob |
AlexG |
Chris Forenbaher |
gregg s densmore |
julo49 |
Average | 32.63 | 30.86 | 17.69 | 19.10 | 24.95 | 84.47 |
gonzalo (3686km):
1658 days ago Kalmus Park Beach, MA, US
Peter (49246km):
1658 days ago Kalmus, Cape Cod. Unusual south wind, 20 knot averages. Briefly tried to foil on the TC68, but could not control it today at all, and ended up eating the boom and putting a huge hole in my favorite sail. Switched to the Skate 110 with a 5.6 Freek, and was nicely powered for a couple of hours.
Max (2012km):
1658 days ago Coyote Point, CA, US
PD 115v2, S2Maui 7.0, Chopper 37.5
Kipps (3990km):
1658 days ago session interruptus… just as things were going well and fast water was starting to happen: front footstrap popped during gybe about 3 miles from Coyote shore (fortunately, on the outbound side, so i was able to sail in). by the time i resolved that technical issue, wind had started to back off… so i did one more lap where i didn't improve any of the 10-sec runs. so i called it a practice day… for this week, hopefully!
great to see Max putting in some good runs too!
and happy 10th anniversary of officially (w/ a GPS) doing speedsailing!!!
iS63/ 6.2OD/ S32
Alsosnoff (12892km):
1658 days ago Seaside Park, NJ
Chris (3113km):
1650 days ago 1 categories  Miami Beach, MD, US