Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
JD | | | | | | |
Mike | | | | | | |
Pugs | | | | | | |
Matt D | | | | | | |
LB | | | | | | |
Bill | | | | | | |
Royce | | | | | | |
Vic | | | | | | |
Babylon | | | | | | |
Chris Christensen |
Adam |
Mehore |
Fergo |
Beaker |
PD |
Jamie |
Wayno |
Josh |
Frothie |
Troy Botting |
WadeM |
Macca |
The Flying Mullet |
The Salty Pom |
Milos |
Greg |
Otis |
A.D.Z |
Stu |
Maui Paul |
Loclan |
Sneaky Pete |
Loic |
Tom 069 |
Mick Hay |
Sam K (AUS-1811) |
Santo Kay |
Rob75 |
Nathan Clift |
Doolander |
Jimmy |
Vally |
Andrew |
ColinSmith |
Average | 36.97 | 34.19 | 11.86 | 22.42 | 24.37 | 48.95 |
JD (9710km):
1646 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Board : F2 Sputnik 275
Rig : BIC Techno One Design 6.8
Fin Delta 19

Mike (10118km):
1646 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Forgot my GPS thanks Matt for the loaner.
F2, KA 5.8 and delta

Pugs (10835km):
1646 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Super shallow, and wind was up and down. Hard to get planing as I kept picking up heaps of weed clumps around the fin. Was it better than not sailing? Yup!
Matt D (32267km):
1646 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Another nice westerly! Lots out.
CA 100, Simmer 7m and delta 18

LB (794km):
1645 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU

Bill (7220km):
1644 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Royce (1634km):
1644 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
A great sail - CA SL55, Simmer Race 6.3 18cm Delta XT
I was also great to see my friend Phil, a new sailor, get up on the plane and hook into the footstraps for the first time. The smile on his face was priceless.

Vic (3213km):
1639 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Babylon (480km):
1638 days ago Narrabeen Lake, NSW, AU Fanatic Blast 100L NP Fusion 4.5 28 Weed fin.