Old Salt (13930km):
1405 days ago Huge crowd at GH, mainly Mandurah Mobsters..... so good to see so many smiling faces and SluGger telling us how amazing it was to see sunshine!
Swindy took the funniest moment cake, when after a spray from the board earlier on, he saw me coming again, and while he was standing in the water, started flicking water into his own face in the hope I wouldnt nail him twice in the one session. Stretch took revenge at a later time and got me good with the same punishment.
All in all a good day on the water, was hoping for a faster hour but huey wasnt consistent enough.
Nice to meet new Chris from Busso and a few more of the up and coming lads from down south.
Great to see everyone. Looking forward to the next run!
Isonic 56.5, SV OD M2 6.2, Tribal WS 29
Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU