Stephen (4800km):
1556 days ago 2 categories   Merry Christmas everyone! Short sail in a dying sea breeze in Nelson Harbour, I missed the best of it due to family lunch but just really happy to get out on the water.
Today marks the 3 year Anniversary with my Isonic 87, a used board which was supposed to be in excellent condition yet arrived softer than a medium rare steak between the straps. I replaced the rear deck with a carbon/divinycell sandwich using a vacuum pump and the repair has been rock solid ever since . I noticed today while jybing the deck (UV clear epoxy + caster sugar) is getting a little slippery, might have to fix that soon.
Being a covid year, freight has been disrupted in/out of NZ and as such I have no new sails arriving in the near future I also sold my 7.8 mast so I have been really maximising the range of my 2016 KA 6.6 and 5.4. Today was a great example, wind was 15knots but i was going ok on the 6.6, Isonic87 and DW34. Not great speeds but got 25 gybes in the session, some planning....some not.