Pete (130791km):
1211 days ago Lake Weyba, Gusty N-NNE, went out on Isonic113/32Weedweapon/7.8 O/d but after an Hr or so wind kept picking up so came in and changed down to FOX105/ 28 Weedweapon /7.0 Race but when I went back out it had eased a tad so ended up being underpowered. Out with Greg, Callum, Julie, Gary & Pete.
Jack Sparrow (8285km):
1211 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU absolute ripper of an afternoon northerly sea breeze on the big lake. Falcon 114 tribal 36 then weed weapon 32 when the breeze picked up, od 7.8 🍻🏴☠️
Cootharabean (16087km):
1211 days ago 2 categories Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
136x85/ 7.8, then changed to 114x71. First sail in 3 months but feels much longer. So good to have a blast with Chris, Matt, Bryn, James, Harry, Josh ,Zane and a few others. Had a go at a naughtie - always fun
Bootstrap Bill (3137km):
1211 days ago 1 categories Lake Weyba, warp 7.7, jp 108 tribal 38... Good to have some power. Although still gusty.. out with Pete and Greg, couple of dingers and kites...