Pete (130791km):
1197 days ago Lake Cootharaba, Nice 15-20 kt SE, good to be on a 7mtr NCX for the whole session. Started on Isonic118 then after an Hr or so changed to a 113, then finally finished on a FOX105.
Walkman (7801km):
1197 days ago 1 categories Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Enjoyable sail with Peter,Paul and Mary , er, Matt.
Bit holey , bit gusty but mostly solid 7.0 wind. Started on 114 Futura but it got rougher so out came 105 Fox for a magic carpet ride.
First long run to top on E side stirred up black swans , I counted at least 60. Gybed and ended up stirring some up that had settled on my sailing line. They took off and for about 15 secs I sailed just behind them about 20m away , bit special!!
Jack Sparrow (8285km):
1197 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU yeah, it was alright today. Jpsr116? Weed weapon 32, ncx7. Out with Pete Paul and Neil 👍🍻🏴☠️