fordy007 (7898km):
1174 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Sailed from Cockies this arvo with Marchy, started really light, picked up slowly, met up with Peter (Bogans) in the middle to discuss the lightening, he reckoned it'll pass, kept sailing, 15 min later, nah, let's wait it out, we slowly walked windward for 15 min, decided should pull the pin and we both made a bee-line to the cars, he's was at 5 mile, mine a bit further at Cockies.
Fortunately, Marchy was still waiting at the cars saying, 'looks a bit wet, might be boggy for our vans, let's go!' So we high tailed out just as the rain came...
Fut 101L, KA Race 7.1m, 20cm Delta
kato (38401km):
1174 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
A nice run after work.
Got to play with the 2022 5.7 Koncept and it was fast straight out of the bag.
The wind was still a bit too east for some fast runs but if you could snag a gust with a bit of south in it , it was perfect.
Too many direction changes for a speed board and a few holes but alot of fun of the 52. A full carpark too with lots enjoying the warmth and wind.
Looking forward to more days on this sail and exploring the edges of the enverlope. 
SL52, 20 Atomic weedie (Rock Solid as usual) 5.7 Koncept 2022
Sailquik (29906km):
1174 days ago Sandy Point, Vic.
Easterly building all day. 20-25kt as I started rigging but was gusting over 30 when I finsished rigging. Glad I decided on the 5,2m. I was super powered up in some gusts but reluctant to bear away into severe chop. There was no sandbar exposed that had the right angle without firing out into severe chop.
Nah! There will be a better day. Not going to hurt myself in this situation.
It was fun short blast though and worth getting wet since I came out unscathed. 
Mistral 47, 2021 KA Speed 5.2m, Tribal 19cm Weedspeed.
