Marchy (7694km):
740 days ago Lake George, SA
Good session tuning up some more gear.
Great to sail with Doug and Frank at Packans. Got sick of deciding where to go, so just went out.
The walk was loooong...
Gear was about right for the gusty squalls and lulls, maybe a bigger sail would have helped.
Falcon 97L, Mach 3 5.5, Nuclear Weed 15.5
Good times.
Old Salty (5360km):
740 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
SW 12 to 20 kts. Very gusty
Carbon Art 63 Koncept 5.8 Tribal Tribal 16
First time at the Lake. Not the best wind direction and conditions but went out anyway.. very conservative runs did not pull the trigger at all. Need to work out the best areas.
Ash (15732km):
740 days ago 1 categories  Lake George, SA, AU
Falcon 50w/68L, Tribal DeltaSym 18, Mach2 6.2
Patrik 92L/59w, Tribal DeltaSym 20, Mach2 6.2
First half on speed board, then changed to 92L Patrik. Best speeds and NM on Patrik, caught squall at end of session.
