Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
fangy | | | | | | |
remery | | | | | | |
SluGger | | | | | | |
Bully boy fat Basil | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Rob | | | | | | |
waricle | | | | | | |
(Puf-) fin | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
Hardie |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
man of |
Pepe47 |
evets |
ratz |
otts |
Oaf |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
Auz |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 39.10 | 36.69 | 15.25 | 22.76 | 35.00 | 48.04 |
fangy (22898km):
427 days ago  Fangyland with a big mob of peeps. First up, thanks Huey, my brain really needed that sesh! I reckon there will be some very impressive numbers later on, everyone looked as though they had some serious pedal to the metal. The shitty black dog meant I wasn't really firing today, but worked up enough enthusiasm to try out my modified Windtech Cruise for the first time. I whacked on a FF18v3 and Avalon 6.3 single cam. Not a combo that I have used before, so I wanted to get some experience and TOW before going too hard downhill. So today there were some very broad reaches but no dedicated chasing gusts. In the end, I had to bail early because I just ended up with too much power and not enough strength to use it. That said, I gotta say, well happy with my work. Very comfy on the 'new' board on all points of sail, no spin outs or hairy moments, I just need some fine-tuning of footstraps and I reckon it will be good fun. Topped it off with some runs across the gravel pit at speed. It impacts sounded like a machine gun, both scary and loud. Very happy I didn't have a G10 fin on today...
And just for a change, the freckle clenching moment came on the drive home. Had to throw out the anchors to stop quickly at S Bend as impressive dugite made it's way across the road. Lucky fella emerged unscathed.
remery (5553km):
427 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU
M95, M25.5, WTD15
SluGger (14041km):
427 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Well that was an awesome sesh, rigged the 6.3m as under done yesterday , probs overdone today well for a mere mortal my arms gave out.
The top guns will have some top numbers, was great to watch some epic runs with Boz, Glen, Hardie, Rob, and Terry
Happy days 
Bully boy fat Basil (5029km):
427 days ago Was not feeling tht flash. Wimped ouit early
Elmo (32074km):
427 days ago Patrik 100, NP RSR E6 6.4m, Nemesis 30cm,
Lumpy madness at Novara today.
Was seriously contemplating going the kids rig but decided against it, in hind sight probably would've been a bit wiser.
Was VERY lively out there was lit normally when the gusts hit it was trying to keep the gear on the water.
Lots of freckle exercize but no bruises, no damage so sweet as!
Watching the crew over at Pt Grey hammering along, looked like some great speeds there
Rob (6992km):
427 days ago Another fun day at Coodanup. Carbon Art speed board- thanks Pete Mach 2 6.2.
waricle (19892km):
427 days ago 2 categories   Coodanup, WA, AU CA SP44 Koncept 5.4 sd17 primo Coods day. Sunny with a low but rising tide and good breeze. Dusted off the 44 for a NM and called it after one run. Sailed with Gloria who was struggling a little with a strange sail and strong breeze. Lots of sailors getting some good numbers. Best conditions since January this year I reckon. Pb bonus too. Short but sweeet!
(Puf-) fin (15861km):
427 days ago Well, I godda say it was a great arvo at the fangy farm with weed and gravel too, if you wandered
into the shallows. I had to go change the fin again after the first nauty. So did not get a good hour .
I did manage a reaosnable alpha,,, 23.17 knot ,,, but it was just 2m outside the 50 gate, so I'll clame it but it's not
official ,,,
Had the 48sl board with KaR 5.5 and El/50 17cm weedy
Sammy the snail (29353km):
427 days ago 2 categories   Coodanup, WA, AU
CA53, RSR5.4, Delta20
Decrepit (55250km):
427 days ago Fantasitic Fangy day, enjoyed by heaps of sailors. Great to see Sammy back in action!!!!!
Remery tried to kill us, but fortunetely missed.
I made the right call for once, and went with the 48cm bnoard 5.2 koncept and good old 18cm starboard assy deltoid @55deg.
Fitness still not back to normal I was doing a lot of resting between runs, and didn't have the confidence to try and alpha. The NM was a bit of a surprise, I went through a few luuls and didn't expect a +30 result

This was my last run back to launch, so I guess it was downwind all the way.
Wind had picked up, but there was a lot of choppy sections, to get through as the tide had come up very quickly.
