Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Antman | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Rondog | | | | | | |
Pointman |
Slowboat |
Doddi |
Jay |
Pos |
kai |
Flex |
Richo 72 |
Al |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 37.41 | 35.91 | 27.86 | 26.31 | 34.08 | 129.61 |
Stretch (32554km):
462 days ago 1 categories  Albany, WA, AU. Great day, good fun just blasting around with a good bunch out 😊
Boz (46967km):
462 days ago Albany, WA, AU
Quick sesh before Chrissy with a great bunch at albany
Antman (26537km):
462 days ago 1 categories  Albany, WA, AU
Santa delivered a power hour for the boyz,its that tough on the body i might have another crack tomorrow ;)) Pushed by the 6.3SCR,53 Tribal,20ws
Woody-Mark (16200km):
462 days ago Albany, WA, AU
The conditions looked suitable for an hour so went out on the 98 FMX and 5.8 evo12 triabal delta 18. Was thinking the 5.8 would be easier to handle for the hour. Good to see a mid 28kt hour so had a break and decided it was worth following Boz out for another attempt. Stoked to see a 28.77 kt 2nd Hour. Really enjoyed just sailing with the board and sail perfectly balanced. Felt comfortable without straining so the smaller sail/bigger board was a good option. Great to sail with great blokes and lady again in paradise.
Rondog (11574km):
462 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU
nice sail for couple of hours.
well done on the pbs fellas.