Antman (26537km):
461 days ago 1 categories  Albany, WA, AU
Allways nice to sail xmas day.Small crowd,Woody,Ron,Cliff,Mark and marie.Warmest sail for me at Lilacs,in boardies :) Powerd by the 6.3 SCR,53 Tribal,18 Delta..Lk fwd to seeing Woodys score :O
Woody-Mark (16200km):
458 days ago Albany, WA, AU
Drove around looking for a coffee thinking the afternoon could be best for a sail. Went past the carpart at 8.30 thinking cricky the wind is in! Could distance be an option? Called in the camp site and discussed with Maree and Mark Jordan who thought it could be a good idea. Without charging any of my devices, Mark was kind to lend me one for the day and Maree put the final word of encouragement with me thinking the clock was ticking past the opportunity. Quicky I ate and drove to the carpark to rig. Now it was 8.50. I rigged up and put the wetty on but forgot the booties back at the camp. So I drove leaving the rig and picked up the booties from the camp site. Back to the carpark it was now around 9.15. Started on the FMX 98 and 5.8 evo12 it was about 18kts so comfortable hoping it would pick up. It did and quickly I got into the zone just enjoying sailing. Came in after 200km to have Maree give me a juice and some bannans so thanks Maree! 10 min break and back out to some good wind. It was always in my mind the wind would likely drop and distance of any kiind may not work out, but what else would I be doing? Keep enjoying sailing was what I thought, so I did. The wind started to fade towards the last few hours and I was contemplating changing to the 6.6. I remebered sailing as a teenager in light sea breezes in Melboune to i raised the boom and sailed light as I could to keep on the plane. Good fortune changed to what was a disasterous few weeks off the water and the wind came in. The Albany kicker at 5.45 approx I think. Back to 30+ kt square runs and I figured just keep going till it dies out. So I did and the last run was putting back to the carpark. Thanks to Mark and Maree for dinner back at the camp site and uploading the result. Definately the best 'mind workout'. The body could have kept going for ages if the wind stayed up. Not meant to be as I was finally content to come in to shore from the sailing peace and paradise I had enjoyed for the 9.75 hours or so. Used the 1 board and 1 sail all day. Sometimes spontenaity is worth pursuing without the plan I guess.