Walkman (7801km):
363 days ago 2 categories Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Lumpy AF!!! Yep , pretty rough with little pattern apart from , ...the roughness. Improved after 3 but still ruff , did I say it was ruff??
RRD 115 and Lockwood 40 , both on loan from Greg and Anne (thanks). A few other windsurfers out including James and Harry who bailed after about 30 min. Some dings and the odd sail boat. Gybe practise mainly.
Pete (130586km):
362 days ago Lake Weyba, 15-20 kt SE-ESE, reasonably consistent for an hr or so then slowly eased until about 3pm when it got to patchy so came in. Out with Chris, Anne, Ken, Jason and Bryn. CARBON ART 112 / WW30 / MOTO 7.5