Pete (132798km):
420 days ago Lake Weyba, light gusty wind until about 3pm then it cranked in to 25-28 kts which was to much for the 7 NCX on the 72 wide isonic so had to go in. Out with Ian, Darren, Moz, Greg, Anne, Clive and a few dingers and Kites.
CARBON ART 112 in pre 3pm session, Isonic 118 after / WW30 / 7.0 NCX
Walkman (8304km):
420 days ago 2 categories   Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Good sail on a lumpy lake. Variable gusty winds but 6.5 NCX and 112 RRD handled it well. Could have gone for Fox 105 but no issues. Only a few dings here and there with one kite and the youngsters in their Open skiffs enjoying the wind. Eased later on , still sailable but only with gear change.