sboardcrazy (25829km):
323 days ago patchy mainly 5kts few 50m patches of 8-12kts W -Sw then 10mins of 12kts Sw gusting to 18kts Coal Point, NSW, AU
7.5m Turbo - WT64 ( 112ltres) - 35cms tectonics
Wish they could get their forecasts right.. It was supposed to be best in the am then gradually dying so Andrew and I got out I'll give it 3/10 only because I got planing 3 x in the 1.30hr..
Mainly a longboard session and gybe practise. I got a couple of pretty slick gybes for the conditions. The ones I muffed I either wasn't looking at the exit, or stood up after the flip. 1-2ft washing machine mogul slop over towards the sand islands with 4kts wind..
My evil plan to sabotage Andrew backfired. There were a few very thick 10m diamter circles of weed out there. Weed isn't really an issue for me and Andrew was following so I tried to lead him through them.. He was too cluey and the weed was so thick I picked up a clod on the weedy. I tried to luff to drop it off but the wind was so light I fell in... Grr I find uphauling exhausting these days..
I went back out after Andrew had packed up and scored the best 10mins of the day. I was even a bit worried and planning to rig down but it soon reverted to buggerall. I was too buggered to do much by then anyway..
The few powered bits were great! 
Good workout.. I'm exhausted.. I feel old..
