Morts (16703km):
3 days ago
KAR 6.3, JP 102L + FF22
A mixed crew out today, locals Cliff, John, Dean & Shane plus honarary local Pete. Alex from Perth & I think maybe Nina & Peter???
Tide was a bit higher than optimum the only flats are at the top of the NM & right on top of the bank. Not expecting that to change tomorrow, hoping there is enough wind early on Tuesday to find some smooth.
waricle (19830km):
3 days ago 2 categories Albany, WA, AU CA63 LRB 5.6 TWS 25 Sunny windy highish tide. Fresh to strong later in the session. I'm back home in Albany. Woo hoo!! A full car park and lots of happy faces. A short session to get the highway out of my brain. Looking forward to tomorrow too.