Elmo (32096km):
9 days ago 2 categories   Patrik 100, NP RSR Evo XV 6.5, Nemesis 30cm.
Well that was a day.
First day of holidays, working til after lunch.
Went to check GPS's flat as a bicky.
Charged up, loaded up went to Novara.
Plenty of wind, rigged up went out, tacked upwind half way up to Ward Point, stopped to do a tweek, got tagged in the foot by a devil fish.
Went to get going, winds dropped out, eventually manage a water start chugged for a bit and eventually got going, did an ok naughty, sailed back to the boat ramp sand bar, bit of a wait went to go, again no wind, floating around a bit managed a water start, got going bit of an underpowered send up near the channel, turned around and sailed back to base.
I'll fix up my footstraps which I should've also done this week before I go out next time.
Decrepit (55250km):
9 days ago 1 categories  Another light wind cruisy day at Fangys, Firie and Katalyst from MM for company, with Steve, Ant and Topcat.
Tide just right for the 26@40/60, on the new 60cm board with 6.6 koncept.
gReat combo, but intialy I was spinning our with mast base most of the way back, moved it a cm forward which cured the spinouts.
This board is really sensetive to mast base position, going to have to get my head around that, Haven't noticed it so much with any othe board.
Firiebob (18118km):
9 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
A very enjoyable slap, suprised there wasn't more punters, cool to meet Topcat and catch up with a few crew 
CA SL 87L, 27 TWS 6.6 Koncept and boardies.