Andrew Haigh (51606km):
23 days ago 1 categories  Coal Point, NSW, AU
Southerly 18-25 and gusty
Stingray 115, Flow 1000 and Naish 5.4
Too much sail. Not much fun
MobZ (5564km):
23 days ago Lake George, SA, AU. SB Carve99, Loft RB 5.6, 23 pepe. Thats a wrap for this little windsurfari. 20 days away, including Budgy and LG and i sailed 15. Good TOW for Feb. Learnt lots. As it was hard to make the decisionon on if to come here or not, so too is it on when to leave. The water is lower again. Jibes lift the mud and smell. A mouse moved into the house and kept waking me up last night. Some fella moved into my preffered campspot. I've had a good run, that'll do. Two sure things for a smile on the dial, PB's and dogs, going home to see misso and dog. I was slightly miffed that i didn't find more of the ever elusive speed here, but happy to feel some prgression and get a couple PB's on the way out.
