Gloria (1118km):
7 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU Not the greatest of conditions, high tide, flukey wind and very lumpy! it was struggle street for me...just couldn't master the chop. But a lovely day with Waricle for company and Fangy flying past! Heaps of crabs! 🦀
Snickers (15008km):
7 days ago Nice session for this time of year. Gusts were short and flukey by the time I headed out. Foot strap screw pulled out not long after sailing to Wally world. Maiden voyage for DIY GPS, seems to still be working and boom mount didn't fail :)
misral 112, tws31, reflex7M
Finback (1609km):
6 days ago Herron Point, Epic sail exploring and cruzing with friends.
Tribal 135lt, my Fatty Boombah 30cm Tribal fin worked a treat today. Serverne Mach8 8.5m challenging for 1st 50kms of tuning, didn't have enough downhaul added 3cm. Adjusted boom and played with harness lines most of day. Then put boom up and then the magic happen on the starboard tack. Port tack almost sorted. Really happy on the improvements today, getting closer to dialing it in.
fingers (1268km):
6 days ago 1 categories  Herron today 8 of us out there today Boz,Nauli,Rob,Mike,Barry,Darryl,Jim a and myself
had a touch of anxiety today , i found it hard to get of the sand bar, i stood around most of the afternoon
only sailed about 6kms the rest i walked, trying to work out the deep spots
very disapointing day for me, i had a good race with Barry for about 800 mts nothing much seperated us at the end of the run
Windxtasy (14541km):
6 days ago Work yesterday, and the only windy day for weeks, so I only had time for a post work sail at Melville in a dying breeze. It was enough to remind me what I hate about this place. Gusty and holey. I also found that my new board is going to take some getting used to. With all the volume at the back, there is less tolerance of moving around the board, which was challenging in the gusty inconsistent conditions. Once up on the plane it does go nicely though. After more waterstarting than I have done all season I decided to call it a day. More consistent conditions needed to get used to this new board.
107isonic, 6.2K, 33 canefire pointer