Slowboat (50258km):
5892 days ago Nice day smashing through scarborough chop on the slalom gear. First day out on the new '09 Koncept 5.8m. Very nice. Light and balanced. Probably a bit small for the wind, but it was ROUGH. Crazy out of control downwind runs on the SL55 with CL30 fin. Had some good runs with Matt, and saw Nebs ripping into the shorebreak.
25 (14484km):
5892 days ago 1 categories  Quick dart down to Hardies. Arrived abbout same time as Elmo - he said he was going the hour [to trump the Hardie]. I said I'd go with him if he was going to do the big transits across Peel Inlet! Happy with a PB hour - think i'll need a pointer to better 26.
Tabou Manta 64, 6.6 Koncept, 34 weed [45 degree], GT31 doppler.
JC (5181km):
5892 days ago Finally some numbers to be happy about. Down at Safety Bay for the annual Xmas/NY holiday and sailing one of my fav bits of water. Sailed like a complete numpty today and with heaps of kite pollution, freestylers at the top of the speed run and drifting runabouts made it chaos, so just focused on going flat out when enough available water presented itself. Bit overpowered on 6.7 initially so changed from 32 to 28 weedy with flatter sail made things a little easier but still a strange session.
ISonic 87, CR 6.7, LE weedy 32 then FO 28 weedy