Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Recycle | | | | | | |
25 | | | | | | |
Linds | | | | | | |
Claude | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
JC | | | | | | |
Snides |
Tim Stockton |
Chris Adamson |
Craig Mann |
Dan Engdahl |
Whitey |
Matthew Langer |
Stringer |
Istaaack |
Neil Daffen |
Spock |
Gav |
Mick |
Lachy |
Aiden |
Aids |
Average | 39.56 | 37.81 | 18.06 | 23.89 | 30.58 | 90.95 |
Recycle (17196km):
5436 days ago Melville very gusty and very lumpy, bloody good but.
Iso86 rsr6.7 f134
25 (14484km):
5436 days ago Quick session at Hardie's - unfortunately famiuly business saw me coming off the water just as it was booting in a bit!
Decided to take the old Kinetic 52 x 257 - still a sweet board. Used Koncept 6.4 with 28 F2/Choco fin then 23 KA Assy. Would have liked to have stayed and tried to get to 40!

Linds (18km):
5436 days ago My first post for the SRM; Melville from about 3.00pm 4.30pm. Not too familiar with the GT-31 yet so ended up with 2 files so my 1 hour and total distance not good.
Desparately trying to break the 30knt barrier - thats my current hurdle.
ISonic86, NP V8 6.6, Techtonics Goldwing 30
Claude (28358km):
5436 days ago Fun day at Hardies, nice solid SSW , most of the time on slalom board and later a short stint on speed W49 only improving speed by .4 of a knot, great to catch up with the crew down here.
IS 86 , 5.9 CR , 32 Vector / SS W49 , 26 F1.
Slowboat (50258km):
5436 days ago  Finally got some wind at Hardies, and quite unexpected. Nude 54. Started on the 7.8m and KA32 sl fin. Was catching some weed but was enjoying the big sail. Got to the end of the run and noticed loads of spray coming out of the back of the board. Back fin bolt missing. Got off to check and realised I hadnt done either of them up! Luckily was only a 36.5 on the dial. Screwed the front one in a bit with my finger and sailed back upwind. Changed to the KA30 and did another couple of runs but was hitting a wall at 37/38. Felt like a bit of drag. Also felt like back foot was a bit too far forward- the board was sitting a bit too comfortably. Went to change the strap position and sheared the screw off right at the plug. SPEWING. It was on the speed run side. Double spewing. Back to the original position. Changed the other side though just to make sure it was really going to be better further back. It was heaps better. Triple spewing. Wind got even more up so I changed down to 7m EIII proto. First run I got launched sailing into a gust and found myself hooked in 2m off the water. Landed pretty hard but the sail stopped me. Lucky no rips. I have no idea how that happened. Did a few more runs but stuck on 38 so changed fin to the KA23 Sym. That added some knots and then things were ripping until the wind dropped. Stoked with the board. Its got way more to go with the footstrap in the right spot. PB for mandurah for me! Got a couple of 40s on the dial, one of them way upwind of the channel sticks. Managed a 38.7 coming back too. Was the best sail I've had in crabland. Heaps of crew out there to share...
JC (5181km):
5435 days ago Quick crash and bash session at PP. Not really flat enough to be going super quick. Some problems with split files but thanks to Nebs again or sorting this out. CR 5.9 IS86 Talon 32 then Vector 30 (32 much better choice). Looks like Crabland was the go today
Nice numbers PD and welcome Linds.