Peter (49246km):
13 days ago Coodanup, WA. Was almost ready for an early session today and only needed tp find my booties ... which were nowhere to be found. Must have been a Freudian slip to leave them somewhere - serves them right after how they put holes in my toes in Albany. Afraid of Fangy's attack crabs, and considering my general bad luck when I try to windsurf without booties (last time, I painted the parking lot red with my bloddy feet after getting a nice deep cut), I stopped back at the surf store and got a new pair, which fit a lot better.
Thanks to all the delays, we arrived just in time to see plenty of wind on the water ... just before it dropped 20 minutes later. That's 15 minutes for rigging and one powered run, before the 6.2 got just a bit too small for me. Decided to give it to Nina, who once again was not happy with here 5.8, but the boom exchange and re-rigging took another 40 minutes. Maybe I should find a better system than electrical tape to keep the ends of the old Fiberspar boom in place - works great, but makes changing sails a bit slow. Back out again, I finally had decent power, as did Nina, who finally got close to beating my speed. Fortunately, I was using 2 GPS, so I can post from the faster one .
Except for those pesky little issues with booties and wrong sail choices, it was a darn nice day. We pushed out luck by grabbing a Monday night special at the ale house, which ended up being a real feast - for the mosquitos who came out in force as the sun went down. For the next few days. it's back to winging in the ocean, which is a perfect way to make the "chop" at Fangyland seem really small.
Nina (10493km):
13 days ago Coodanup, WA. 5.8 Koncept then 6.2 Severne, which made much more of a difference than the sail size difference suggests, and was both faster and a lot more fun to sail.