Doctor Lactic (694km):
8 days ago Swan Bay, VIC, AU EV07.4 for a few k's then 5.8Moto/Isonic 63/ Atomic 20 at high tide going low at 1400. Interestingly South Channel was only showing 15 knots but I was mostly well powered on my 5.8. One DNR (Did Not Recover) spinout and a few minor spinouts. I felt I should've been on my 80 litre Isonic. I just don't think I need as much board in 17-25 knots NE. Clearly I need to message the rest of the team to let them know I'm considering the journey to this spot that didn't have too much butter flat (that I could find anyway...). I was hoping one of the locals would show me around but the best I could do was to find a solitary swan... Clealy no mates yeah?
Ash (15732km):
8 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
CA 108L/66w, Tribal deltasym 22, Mach4 7.0
Sea mist blowing over the lake, poor visibility.