Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Vonpat | | | | | | |
Rob | | | | | | |
Old Salty | | | | | | |
Marchy | | | | | | |
Kempsta | | | | | | |
Schoolie | | | | | | |
Ash | | | | | | |
Kewie |
Red |
Bazza |
Monty |
Tonster |
Grant Finlayson |
Lester Hodge |
Jacques Kint |
Drift |
Jimbob |
Cameron Steele |
Moondo |
DanP |
Dale Keating |
Barbie |
RobbieK |
DazzaJ |
Naz |
Isaac |
DeanJ |
Fireman Sam |
Peter Crommelin |
Cirrus Flyer |
AndySails |
Wendles |
SaltyNic |
Bull |
Smithy |
Goldie |
Gybing Joel |
Bones |
ptsmantua |
KJ |
Birchy |
stelio37 |
Dirty harry |
tk |
Tiges |
Roh |
Popsicle |
Frank |
Dezza |
Glenn |
Jay |
Moose |
Tony Polony |
Seagull |
IdoSail |
Bradman |
Bucko |
Erik |
MikeyS |
Baylife |
yuppy |
Gaz |
Cutter |
Macca |
Shooting Snail |
Remes |
Levo |
Boffe |
Runaway Bride |
Andy Houtsma |
docgav |
Doctor Lactic |
Average | 36.63 | 32.88 | 9.67 | 20.49 | 22.27 | 27.84 |
Vonpat (3184km):
2 days ago Mallacoota, VIC, AU unexpected sail today. Isaac and Schooley rocked up with no wind in sight so I canned it and went to pull my crab pots. Sure enough with no gear the wind came in, a quick dash back to my car to grab my gps and straight over to GWS. Isaac loaned me his gear for a few runs in my jocks. Duatone 6.6 JP Tribal not to sure of exact litres and size of fin. Thanks Isaac
Rob (1416km):
2 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Old Salty (5360km):
2 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
12 - 20 kts ESE
Should have gone smaller. Fast incoming tide so not much smooth stuff around
CA63 103Fr, 6.6 Koncept Powermax 32
Good to be out with Kemspta, Alan, Rob and the 4 from the other side of town
Marchy (7660km):
2 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Great session at Mahers. Wind and tide didn’t really line up for long, and the wind picked up super fast unexpectedly. Started on 97 L Falcon 97 and 7.0 Mach 3.
Had some runs but was waaay overcooked. Changed to 5.5 and 80 litre Falcon which felt perfect, but the flat stuff was gone by the time I got out. Great to see Kempsta flying around and to sail with Rob, Doug and Kev, George and Joe
Kempsta (10450km):
2 days ago 1 categories  89, 6.2,25 S/W
very quick blast on Incoming tide
Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Schoolie (1528km):
2 days ago Sailed with 2 lunatics Von Patt in his jocks and Isaac and his dog Jack what a fun blast in perfect southerly for the strip.
Mallacoota, VIC, AU
Ash (15732km):
2 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
CA 78L/54w, Tribal Weedspeed 23, Mach4 5.5
Got smashed today. First run heading downwind toward Spit, harness came unhooked over chop, lost control at 31 knt, fell backwards. Camelbak got ripped out of bouancy vest, when hit water. After chasing board, found Camelbak floating about 10m away. Headed back in and called it.