Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hardie | | | | | | |
fangy | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
SluGger | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
(Puf-) fin | | | | | | |
Swindy | | | | | | |
Shane121 | | | | | | |
Morts | | | | | | |
Oaf | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
evets | | | | | | |
Jonski | | | | | | |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
man of |
Pepe47 |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
otts |
WazzaYotty |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 40.45 | 38.80 | 24.25 | 26.43 | 33.77 | 108.76 |
Hardie (35900km):
2605 days ago Liptons Crankin , That's as good as it gets for me, sailed on the flattest water, admittedly a bit draggy because it was so weedy, but one run after another 40kts/39/kts, senfuckingsational , got a bit dopplered on the 2 sec, but wrapped with my 5 x 10 I think thats my second best ever?
fangy (22923km):
2605 days ago 1 categories  Fangyland with a heap of peeps. Greg K from Lake Mac, Jase from the Pinnas, Millpond and Shane made up the travellers who joined the usual suspects from the Mandurah Mob and a couple of Coastal Nannas.
Vintage Windtech, Koncept 6.6, FangyFin 20. Today the plan was to try and get comfy on the Windtech. A bit more breeze made a huge difference and I was able to get the nasty old girl up on the dance floor. Don’t get me wrong, she is still a complete cow if allowed to dictate terms, but if you treat her mean, she stays in line. There is no finesse involved, always use all momentum muscle available ( including Xmas food baby) and always try to snap her in half at every gybe and you can get the upper hand.
With the FF20 bolted in, there was no Wright Brothers theatrics and the bear-aways started to come together and I am very happy with the speed numbers. I got a 39.05 max on the dial which is the fastest I have ever gone :-) I am keen to get some more experience on this board and see how far I can push it. I think there will be a point where she bites back, but hopefully I will dodge it when it happens.
There was a reasonable amount of smooth and it was brilliant to share it with a good crowd.(despite the sole Pinna :-). There was also mucho rejoicing from all the peasants as Mr Whippy has finally been deposed as King of Fangyland. [ Insert massive crowd roar and Mexican wave here ]
Sharing the Helvetica font love for one more day and a big social session and everyone enjoying some good numbers under the belt it was defo a Top One Fangy Day.

Stretch (32270km):
2605 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU. Fun sesh at Liptons with lots out. CA Sl52 going for alphas, then CA Sp47 for speed, wasnt any faster though, should have stuck with the 52.
SluGger (14070km):
2605 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
nude proto , tr8 5.5, Fangy fin 20
Gret catching up with lots of crew.
Took along time to get settled in today, but stoked by the end of play.
Big congrats to all the PB`ERS  
Happy times. other than I miss you Ross
Elmo (32123km):
2605 days ago Tabou Manta 54, NP RSR E6 6.4, Pepe weed 21cm.
Fun sail at Liptons GAF again but still fun, looking at Hardies speeds my decision of playing mostly over at Pt Grey was not the correct one, Oh well twas fun blasting around none the less.
Hit a big sting ray towards the end of thesession over at PG, saw a F'ken large bitey thing as I was leaving the corner the first time just outside of the shallows.
Huge crew out today, parking was a premium and lots of smniling faeces.
Huge congrats to all the PB'ers      
Sammy the snail (29353km):
2605 days ago Coodanup, WA, Solid wind and great fun at goodnessland 
I had a ball but wasnt starving for a big session, just happy to have fun. I think is time to change my old trusty RS 5.8 , I felt her laggy and baggy today!! the 5.4 was way more responsive yesterday.

Great to catch up with the south boys, the locals and Stropp . WELL DONE everyone 
Sonic85L, RSR5.8, weedy22/45
(Puf-) fin (15898km):
2605 days ago Coodanup, weedfarm, AU
The day started off well,... I hadent forgotten anything, and it got a bit better, so all good. I was cruesing about, getting some
vid,... I hope its good too, so will see how it looks and to top it off, I got a surprise PB nauti,.. did not expect anything.
So had a graet day out with the Old slalom52, Ka kon5.8 and El mod55 18cm weed,... I think it may be a 17cm now!!!
and,,,, the scribble,,,, .

Swindy (10125km):
2605 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU. Pat sl 100 kar 6.3, ff22. Then sl87, ff20
Another great summer day at fangys, had Greg from lake Macquarie with me today and put some faces to names of a couple of team mates I hadn't met yet. Good to catch up with everyone as I haven't been out much lately.
First mission was to try out the 22 FF that I had butchered from a 24 and I must admit I made a prett good job of it. It worked great, I got a 24.99 alpha on it and the hour was pretty good to. It did spin out going into a smoking jybe which threw me off and spoilt my hour a bit. A proper 22 with a thinner profile would probably be faster so Ross has promised a new one for the new year.
Next up was the 87 and managed to get a decent alpha and nm and a bit more speed but still struggling in that department. No pb,s for me today but happy to get out and get 3 top 5,s
Shane121 (6794km):
2605 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU No wind in albany so a road trip to fangyland for the day . Great day on the water with the crew 
Isonic 76 , np evo5 6.4 , Decrepit 21 weedy
Morts (16986km):
2605 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Koncept 6.2. Sonic 85L + FF20
Used the same kit as yesterday & with the bit of extra oomph in the wind my arms were feeling it late in the day!
Nice to meet Jase from the Pinnas who judging by his results had a ball at Fangys on his first outing. Great to also finally meet Roger & Jon from the Mob who were out there flying around with the sole purpose of pinching my JB Well done fellas not an easy day for an hour The whole of the Albany chapter was up here today, Shane sailed Fangys & Steve Liptons.
Awesome to see so many out blasting around having a ball & sounds like Liptons was a similar deal. Had a lot of fun just hooning around, exploring a bit more of Fangyland & I'm pretty stoked with the results. My 4 best Alphas were all better than my previous PB & the actual PB came from my last Alpha attempt. Watched Stroppo & a few others doing the NM trying to work out the right lines. Had 2 goes at the NM & they were both better than my previous PB but I still tripped up a bit going through the ropy stuff.
The Fangy Fin 20 was bloody Fangtastic out there today 
Oh & there was also a Starboard Sonic convention at Fangys today, wonder how long it's been since 4 of those were sailing at the same place?

Oaf (7470km):
2605 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Nice to get out for a late session on a hot windy day. Got my second fasted alpha and 3rd fastest 2 sec and overall 3 in my top 5, so very happy today. Was super stoked to see a peak over 40 again (40.13). Was worried I had forgotten how so not so bad that I didn't manage a 2sec over 40. Was also stoked to see the alpha. (some involuntary whooping may have occured) Took the Manta out first, then the Missile. Was really fun to use both boards and although I got my alpha on the Manta over at Point Grey the top end improvement was obvious changing to the speed board, but I'm not sure how much of that was changing to a better suited fin. Anyhow, tired and happy now.
Fun to see so many out today. Stopped to look at Fangys on the way, was the bussiest I've seen it in ages but decided I felt like a change and found plenty of others out at Liptons. Sailed till sunset with Evets and a couple of Pinnas.
Manta 86, F2 Missile Small, 6.6. HSM GPS

Decrepit (55298km):
2605 days ago 1 categories  Well almost made it, trying for a mid 36, 5x10 today. My best 10s was 36.8, then a 36.5 and 3 35s. I think one more 36.8 would have got me there.
Tried and tried, till I couldn't try any more, wind seemed to be dropping anyway.
I went to check out Liptons and found a big crew there, Stretch was out already and flying around, the report was that Boz was on a 5.5 with a 38 up already. Slowboat was thinking about what to rig, Lunny and Slugger were rigged and ready to go, Hardie and windxstasy arrived minutes later. So decided to stay there instead of driving to Fangys.
Thought I'd stay inside liptons and not brave the channel so joined hardie at the first carpark. first off I tried the 16.5@50deg in the 43 with the 5.4koncept. Surprising I couldn't get going in the shallow weedu area, with a sinky tail the fin just kept picking up weed, sending me sideways. So changed to the filetted 16.5 @ 55d, This was able to shed the weed instead of picking it up, so stayed with that, and sailed at the southern end of liptons starting the run in the weed. This was nice and flat, but gusty, and the gust very hard to read, I just had to go for it and hope.

| evets (21562km):
2604 days ago Liptons m91SL tr16 5.9 FF20. Will post some numbers tomorrow. Expect a mid 37 for 2 sec. Left work early and drove the 90 minutes to Fangy’s, it looked choppy so decided to head to lilacs. Forecast on MetEye was for 30-35kts, did not appear super windy and as I heard decrepit was using 5.4 I decided to rig 5.9 Chris Adamson came in as I rigged. He was on 6.4 and put on a weight jacket so I was happy with 5.9 choice. Had great fun sailing both sides of the channel, never really windy so Chanel was as flat as I have ever seen it. Today’s mission was to try the 91SL/ FF20 combo. That went well although I had a number of spin out events when pinching up wind. That is not unreasonable. Also I discovered the problem of a short fin and a wide board when gybing. More than once I tried to turn tooo sharply and had to straighten up to get some fin back in the water. So no great alphas I suspect. Had great fun with Elmo, Decrepit, Oaf and others around. It turned out that I should have been on my 6.3. The wind never got close to the forecast but I still had a great 3 hours sailing. Definitely the most enjoyable sail I have had at Lipton’s. The wind blew and was warm, the water was relatively clear and also warm. Life’s good.
Jonski (6717km):
2604 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU