Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Johno | | | | | | |
Easty | | | | | | |
Tom | | | | | | |
Jordan Murray | | | | | | |
veitz | | | | | | |
Ray Thorne | | | | | | |
Kaleb Smith | | | | | | |
Kazza | | | | | | |
Klaas Hartmann | | | | | | |
Anthony Perkins | | | | | | |
Izaak Perkins | | | | | | |
Al Bach |
Dave Morehead |
Bear |
Stewart McKay |
James Brient |
Gordo |
Richard CS |
Jack |
Jason |
Fubbs |
starboardsailor |
Paul Tenteye |
Geoff Broomby |
Jez |
Anthony Houston |
Marlon |
Russell Dowd |
Jodi |
Fos |
Sim |
Azza |
Ben Wilson |
Waynos |
geared4knots |
Will |
Liana Perkins |
Corkers |
Shorty |
Matt Webster |
Jules |
Johnny |
Al |
cookie |
Parky |
Barry |
Hughie |
Sampson |
Breno |
Fletcher |
Todd Sushames |
Jimmy |
TGale |
Dave Jack |
Old Man Steve |
Jock C |
JimoKG |
brad peters |
DJ |
Angus C |
James Park |
Kelso Pete |
Chol |
Latte |
Parky jnr |
WickedP |
mort67 |
VT |
Tom Males |
Average | 43.94 | 41.23 | 10.63 | 22.89 | 27.05 | 56.12 |
Johno (4871km):
4724 days ago First sail for seven months and a couple of pbs wow good team turnout. board ca sp40, vector 21 fin, KA 5.0 sail
Easty (1016km):
4724 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
Sonic 90, KA Koyote 5.3, C3 Venom 32
It was a bit much for my skills today, had issues trying to bear off at the start of runs, by the time I was getting things under control it was time to stop!
Can't wait to see everyone else's results, should be good!
Tom (2206km):
4724 days ago Intense sail at Stanley...
RSR EVO II 6.2 JP Speed 54 C3 Sting II 28
Jordan Murray (9123km):
4724 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
What a day! Stoked with the PB's , especially the 2sec which was a long time coming!! Plenty out giving their best which made it a great atmosphere. First time on the reflex and loved it cant wait to sail it some more! Third channel was the definintely the go today and has some real potential to produce even greater speeds. Congrats to everyone else who got a pb today as it was some hard sailing out there.
IS50, Vector delta 23cm, 5.6 Reflex I
veitz (379km):
4724 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
CA44, venom26, code red 4.7 and Ezzy wave4.7
Scary! Fun! fast! Good SH*T
Ray Thorne (6975km):
4724 days ago STANLEY JP SPEED 45 NP RSS5.5
OH Thats what it is all about AWSOME DAY
Congrates to everyone for PBs and good too see u back Johno
Kaleb Smith (21019km):
4724 days ago 1 categories  Stanley, TAS, AU
Isonic44, C3 21cm, 5.6Relex3, Code Red 5.6, Koncept5.7
Well I've got a lot say. Very happy with the 2sec, but blew my 5X10 by spending more time travelling backwards and forwards to the car.
Nice couple of runs to start with at mid 42's. Then while sailing up to the 3rd channel the mast decided to commit suicide. Headed back to the car to get the old trusty Code Red and the RDM Ezzy mast and broke my little toe on a tree root. Headed out to the 3rd channel and did two tentative runs to check it. On the 3rd run I went for it and hung on to get my 2sec but paid the price by loosing it and catapulting straight into the sail as the harness line broke. I limped back to the car and changed to the next sail I could find(reluctantly) and headed back up to the channel. First run down I lost it in the chop again, recieved another catapult and totalled the boom. Had to walk back to the car and change the boom. Heading back out most guys were heading in. I got out there to find the tide filling in too much and a fair amount of chop getting into run so called it a day. Mixed feelings about today, I'm very stoked, but also really dissapointed, there was a lot of potential today to get some really big improvements on the PB's, if only I could have stayed on the water.
Sorry Perks we'll have to call the tassie record to the Red team Izaak Who?
Kazza (14036km):
4724 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
5.4 Overdrive W44 Slingshot 21
It was honking!! Really worth the drive but my arms couldn't go on, I had nothing left in the tank, need a smaller sail, those guys are strong staying out there for so long in such howling conditions. First real go on the speedboard, took a while to get used to it and flying down wind so powered up was rather scarey but great fun Well done to everyone, so many PB's, it was great sailing with the pro's!
Klaas Hartmann (1373km):
4723 days ago Marion Bay, Natural 6.5, Isonic 94
First go with the Isonic. Feels brilliant. Unfortunately I was way underpowered and the wind dropped out after twenty minutes :-(
Anthony Perkins (23298km):
4723 days ago Stoked with the pb.Congrats to all that got PB's, it was hard work out there in driving rain. Well done team!!
NP RSR EVO4 5.8, JP Speed 45, C3 Slingshot 21cm
Izaak Perkins (22887km):
4723 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
Nice sail at stanley, nothing really came easy for me today. I had 42 on the dial run after run. It allways felt i was missing the gusts when i pulled up. Anyway cant complain as i got a pb yeiw!! I had a 43.1 on the dial, but fell back due to i did it in the first channel, where it was a very very small area and just could not hold it long enough. Well done to all on their PB's, well deserved as it was less than ideal conditions at times with some big chop. Kaleb you will have to leave severne now as you are giving them a bad name haha. well done anyway.
NP RSR EVO4 5.8, JP Speed 45, C3 Slingshot 21cm
