Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Slickmezzie |
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ray gun |
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col |
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Baldy | ||||||||||||||||||
Jet | ||||||||||||||||||
Benny | ||||||||||||||||||
Garry Baker | ||||||||||||||||||
Brayden Baker | ||||||||||||||||||
Craw | ||||||||||||||||||
Bertie | ||||||||||||||||||
Slappa | ||||||||||||||||||
Diablo | ||||||||||||||||||
obi one tobi | ||||||||||||||||||
Cupsta | ||||||||||||||||||
SOMEPUNK | ||||||||||||||||||
Troutty Trousers (AKA Fish Pants) | ||||||||||||||||||
Stacey | ||||||||||||||||||
brabo | ||||||||||||||||||
timl | ||||||||||||||||||
jay rey | ||||||||||||||||||
Whitey76 | ||||||||||||||||||
Josie778 | ||||||||||||||||||
Wally Sailor | ||||||||||||||||||
goodzee | ||||||||||||||||||
sheppy | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 34.09 | 32.02 | 15.76 | 22.15 | 26.98 | 60.27 | ||||||||||||
Slickmezzie (683km): The weed bank, Safety Bay, WA, AU. 5.0 m2 Ka Koncept, Tabou Manta 54 and 24 Vector weedy speed fin. A bit shallow to do any good downwind runs. First time with the Canmore GP102+ device - not bad. I need to get down to the estuary...! - Slickmezzie P.S. Hit a kiteboard and dinged my Board - not happy Jan! Luckily I was unhurt, just a couple of teaked hammies...
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ray gun (14091km): ![]() Coodanup, Isonic 87, Overdrive 6.0, VSW 25. Raid down south. Finished work and down to Fangland for another go. After sneaking up on the Manbro Mob at there special spot. WIth lots of sails zipping around, Mike rigging up on the lovely lawn and Fangman beaming a big smile it was game on. The wind looked good and so with the thought of it picking up I rigged the smallest sail in the car and plugged in the 87. Nicely powered for the first hour or so then the wind picked up a few knots and after a long day already I focused on the speed run. Water was a bit lumpy but with the gusts coming through you could just power through it. After deciding to head up wind for a Nm attempt I was unsure if I had given myself enough room for the full Nm. As I finished the run with a peak of 35 I was hopefully but in doubt about the length. Seems I didn't have to worry. would have liked to stay out and search for some more gusts but was completely stuffed and facing a long drive home I called it a day. Drove home being buzzed by Pinnaroos one happy camper.
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col (16668km): Melville Beach, WA, AU PD 92 Loft blade 7.0. Some tuning issues as had to go back to using a skinny mast. Not sure if the top speed was on my gear or Kevins Mistral 91 and 6.2 Pryde which I tried out. Will have to check it out. |
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